PursueGOD sermons equip regular people to preach life-changing sermons - whether you’ve gone to seminary or not. Here’s how to do it.

Talking Points:

  • Start with the skeleton and prayerfully put “flesh” on it. Use scripture, exposition, and personal stories.
  • Prep with the “3 C’s” in mind. Be clear. Be concise. Be compelling. Great preaching engages everyone – seekers as well as believers, young and old, male and female.
  • Always bring it back to Jesus. Our goal in teaching is to help people understand and live out a biblical worldview. All of our preaching is centered on the person and work of Jesus. Luke 24:27
  • Empower conversations. We build resources for every Sermonlink sermon with one distinctive in mind: to equip the preacher to support the discipleship infrastructure of the church. If conversations aren’t happening after the sermon, we’ve missed the point. Ephesians 4:11-12
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What is the goal of modern-day preaching in most churches? What is the goal according to Ephesians 4:12?
  3. How does your church view the preaching ministry? What’s the point?
  4. What does it mean to “preach conversationally”? How does it minimize the distance between pulpit and pew?
  5. How do you think your church would respond to preaching a PG sermon as outlined in this topic?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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