Creating a discipleship culture takes a whole new set of priorities for pastors. Here are the 5 main ones.

The 5 Priorities:

  1. Disciple. Make disciples in the way you want others to make disciples. Don’t expect people to do something you aren’t already doing.
  2. Train. As you disciple others, you’ll be training them to do the same thing. Just be sure to finish the job. Ephesians 4:11-12 
  3. Hand off. Leverage the institution by handing off people who need mentors to people who are equipped to mentor. Matthew 9:36-37
  4. Follow up. Track milestones and make a habit of following up with mentors as they work through the 3 E’s. 2 Timothy 2:2
  5. Celebrate. Intentionally celebrate the wins as people make disciples who make disciples. Do it publicly for maximum effect.
  1. Who are you discipling right now? How are you doing it? Is it reproducible?
  2. In your own words, explain the pursueGOD training process. Are you “finishing the job” with the people you’re mentoring? Be specific.
  3. Make two lists: (1) people who need mentors and (2) people who are equipped to mentor. How can you make handoffs for these people?
  4. In your own words, explain the 3 E’s in the pursueGOD disciple-making process. How many people are at each milestone in your church? How does that compare to last month or quarter?
  5. How do you plan to celebrate disciple-making “wins” in your church? Be specific.

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