Becoming a mentor using our online resources takes a bit of planning up front. Start by thinking through who is on your hit list, your active list, and your passive list.

Talking Points:

  • List #1 is your hit list. This list is the people that you would be willing to mentor. These people would be receptive in a mentoring relationship.
  • List #2 is your active list. These are the people you have initiated a mentoring relationship with. They understand what mentoring is and how to use the FLEX method. You are meeting with them regularly to discuss topics on pursueGOD.
  • List #3 is your passive list. This is the list of people who have reached the end of an active mentoring relationship. The hope is that by the time they reach this list they are already mentoring others. When they are on this list you are still passively mentoring them, meaning you meet less regularly but you still touch base with them.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Write out your three people lists. Talk about it. Get ready to take action on it.
  3. How many people can a mentor have on his “active” list? Explain.
  4. How long is it healthy to have someone on your active list? Explain.
  5. How do these three lists relate to small group ministry in the church? If you’re the small group leader, should your entire small group be on your personal “active” mentoring list? Explain.
  6. When it comes to actually mentoring, how important is scheduling a weekly time?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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