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FCA's E3 Vision

FCA has a vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ. And we have a clear and compelling mission: to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. FCA’s way to pursue that mission is to engage, equip and empower every coach and every athlete around the world to grow in Christ. It is our goal to reach every sport, team, community and country. Our passion is to see the world of sports redeemed for God’s greater purposes, and we believe this transformation can only happen through one coach and one athlete at time. 

When someone makes a decision to follow Jesus, they begin the greatest journey of their life. They begin a discipleship journey; this is a lifelong pursuit and process of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ. We help give coaches and athletes clarity about what the destination of this journey looks like and certainty about how to make progress on this journey. Our definition of a disciple is this:

A disciple is someone who is growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

When you are growing and walking with Jesus on daily basis, you are becoming more like Him. That process is called sanctification—which is the foundation of discipleship. 

Let’s unpack the FCA way of discipleship:


We engage coaches and athletes through genuine relationships by sharing our lives and the Gospel. We want to excel in connecting and developing relationships. Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2:8,

We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News, but our own lives, too.

We connect with coaches and athletes in many different environments by identifying the space and place to cultivate relationships.


We equip coaches and athletes to grow in Christ through God’s Word with Christ-centered training and resources. This is where The Pursuit comes in: 12 sessions that will give you the building blocks to strengthen your faith. In Ephesians 4:12, Paul writes,

Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.

We want to build you so you can be the follower God has designed you to become. You will discover the essence of the Christian life. The Pursuit is a game plan to have a personal, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to go impact those on your team, family and community. 


We empower coaches and athletes to engage and equip others to know and grow in Christ. Once equipped, we desire to see coaches and athletes make disciples who make disciples through empowering others. In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul writes,

You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.

We are encouraged to not just hold onto our faith, but also to pass it on to others. 

How do coaches and athletes grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ? By engaging, equipping and empowering. When coaches and athletes begin to do the same, discipleship multiplies, and we see the world transformed by Jesus Christ. 

This is a great game plan that can bring personal transformation as you go through these core essentials. The journey gets even better when you can do the same with others. We are praying that God will help you grow in your relationship with Him, that He will reveal Himself to you in a powerful way, and that you will lead others in their journey.

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Find a topic and start a conversation. [MILESTONE#1]


Complete this series below to EQUIP others in a pursuit of God. [MILESTONE #2]

How to Use This Series

When you make a decision to follow Jesus, you are beginning the journey of a lifetime—a discipleship journey. This journey is a lifelong pursuit of becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ, or what we call a "disciple".

A disciple is someone who is in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. The CORE gives you eight essentials on how to do just that. The CORE will help you be engaged in God’s Word, equipped on the basics of the faith, and empowered to help others grow in Jesus Christ. When you strengthen your CORE everything else benefits.

How It Works

"The Core" is an 8-week series designed for you to go through with a huddle or mentor. Schedule a time and a place to meet and discuss the first topic. Watch the topic ahead of time to prepare for your meeting and use a journal to take notes. Then, when you meet, use the discussion questions as needed to talk through the topic. Meetings should last 15- to 60-minutes. Repeat this process for all 8 topics, meeting every week. 

The Four Commitments

New to discipleship conversations? Make the four commitments:

  1. Come ready to talk. Make a commitment to watch the video or listen to the audio before you meet for a conversation. This will prepare you to bring your own ideas and participate.
  2. Come ready to listen. Don't just share your perspective. If you find yourself lecturing or dominating the conversation, stop yourself and start listening more.
  3. Come ready to discover. Nobody has a corner on the truth. In good conversations you can expect to discover a fresh perspective on just about any topic.
  4. Come ready to change. The goal in every conversation is transformation, not just information. You're the only one who can act on something new you've discovered.

Click here for The Core online at

Core #1: Join God's Team

When you make a commitment to be on God’s Team, you are signing up to walk with Him daily. You are training for this walk by reading His Word and understanding His plan. But where do you start?  Here is the Gospel message explained in four simple truths:

  • God made you and loves you! God is real, and He wants you to personally experience His love and discover His purpose of your life through a relationship with Him. Genesis 1:27, John 3:16
  • Sin damages your relationships with people and with God. The result is separation from God and the life he planned for you. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Isaiah 59:2
  • In love, God sent Jesus to pay the penalty for your sins. Jesus lived a sinless life, died a criminal’s death on a cross, and rose from the dead to prove his power over sin and death. 1 Peter 3:18, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Romans 5:8
  • Jesus offers you peace with God and a personal relationship with Him. Through faith in Jesus, you can experience God's love daily, discover your purpose, and have eternal life after death. Romans 3:22, Romans 10:9-10

A Suggested Prayer: 

Dear God, thank you for loving me and wanting the best for my life. I have lived for myself and done things my way, and I am truly sorry. Jesus, I believe that you are God and have forgiven my sins by dying and coming back to life again for me. I trust You and ask You to be Lord of my life. I surrender my life to You. You are my God, my Savior and my Lord. Let me experience Your love and Your good plans for my life! Amen.


  1. What, if anything, did you learn about Jesus when you were younger?
  2. On a scale of 1 (Mother Teresa) to 10 (Hitler), how bad of a “sinner” are you? How do you think someone else would rate you?
  3. Read Romans 6:23. How have you seen sin bring brokenness to your life or the life of someone you know?
  4. Read 1 Peter 3:18. In your own words, explain how the death and resurrection of Jesus fixes our sin problem.
  5. Read Romans 3:22 and Romans 10:9-10. Do you believe that anyone can be made right with God by trusting in Jesus? Are there any exceptions?
  6. Have you put your faith in Jesus for salvation? If so, when? If not, are you ready to do it today? See the suggested prayer above.
  7. Need to talk more about Jesus? Click here.

Next Steps: 

Core #2: Live with Power

When you trust Jesus with your life, you don’t have to hold on to the old sin, guilt, and performance mentality of the past. Now you can live with God’s power as you remember these promises:

  • God makes you new. Because of Jesus, you have a new identity. Now you can use sports as a platform to point people to God. 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • God is with you. Wherever you go, God will be right there. Through the Holy Spirit, God guides you from the inside out. Ezekiel 36:26-27
  • God leads you. As the Holy Spirit lives in you, you will have direction in life. God will lead you through Scripture, prayer, discipleship, and any circumstance that you encounter. Galatians 5:16


  1. How has your life changed since you came to faith? Give a few specific examples.
  2. Why do you think many athletes struggle with identity issues? How does the message in 2 Corinthians 5:17 change that for Christian athletes?
  3. Read Ezekiel 36:26. Describe the difference between a “stony” heart and a “tender” heart toward God.
  4. How does a “performance mentality” fall short when it comes to a relationship with God? What does it mean that God changes us from the inside out?
  5. Read Galatians 5:16. Make a list of some of the things your old nature craves.
  6. Give an example of how the Spirit empowers us to live to honor God. How is this different from sheer willpower?
  7. Name one personal insight or action step you’re taking away from this topic.

Core #3: Train Spiritually

If you want to see a change in your performance as an athlete, you have to put in the time and work. The same goes for spiritual training, which does three things for you:

  • Transforms you. Spiritual training transforms your entire life, from your thinking to your priorities to your relationships. And the benefits are eternal. 1 Timothy 4:8
  • Motivates you. You have two forces constantly fighting for your attention, and the force you feed will grow stronger. Spiritual disciplines motivate you to fight on. Galatians 5:17, Ephesians 6:13
  • Helps you know God. As you master spiritual disciplines, God changes the way you think. That leads to a more personal understanding of God and his will for your life. Romans 12:2


  1. How has your life changed since you came to faith? Give a few specific examples.
  2. Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Share a scripture verse that has been “useful” for you.
  3. Share a teaching from the Bible that surprised you when you first heard it. Did you obey it? Why or why not?
  4. Read Ezekiel 36:26. Describe the difference between a “stony” heart and a “tender” heart.
  5. Give an example of how the Spirit empowers us to live to honor God. How is this different from sheer willpower?
  6. Read Galatians 6:1-2. Share a time when another believer helped you on to the right path.

Core #4: Talk with God

Just like we talk to our family, friends, teammates and coaches, we must make time to talk with Jesus if we are to grow in relationship with Him. Here are three things Jesus teaches us through The Lord's Prayer:

  • It's a conversation. Prayer is simply a conversation between you and God. It's not so much about what you say, it's about sharing your heart with Him. Matthew 6:7-8
  • It can be about anything and everything. Prayer is not an empty spiritual ritual. Jesus taught believers to pray for daily needs, relationships, temptations, and more. Matthew 6:11-13
  • It accomplishes God's plans. The purpose of prayer goes far beyond asking for what you want. The point is to align our world with God's will, not the other way around. Matthew 6:9-10


  1. How has your life changed since you came to faith? Give a few specific examples.
  2. Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Share a scripture verse that has been “useful” for you.
  3. Share a teaching from the Bible that surprised you when you first heard it. Did you obey it? Why or why not?
  4. Read Ezekiel 36:26. Describe the difference between a “stony” heart and a “tender” heart.
  5. Give an example of how the Spirit empowers us to live to honor God. How is this different from sheer willpower?
  6. Read Galatians 6:1-2. Share a time when another believer helped you on to the right path.

Core #5: Study the Playbook

Every coach has a training manual to help athletes develop excellence. God does the same thing for believers. The Bible is like a playbook, guide, and training manual all rolled into one.

  • The Bible Is the Word of God. The Bible is the primary way we come to know God. It teaches us how to practically live out faith in Jesus. God’s Playbook contains piercing truth about who God is, who we really are, and our mission and destiny. 2 Timothy 3:16
  • The Bible Is Alive and Active. The Bible is not something you read once and put back on the shelf. Read it every day to experience its power, to understand God’s truths, to know God more, and to help you figure out how to live in this world. Hebrews 4:12
  • The Bible Is True. The Bible is infallible because all scripture is inspired and breathed by God Himself. It can be trusted as the authoritative truth in your life. All other things in the world can be measured against God’s Word. Luke 1:37


  1. How has your life changed since you came to faith? Give a few specific examples.
  2. Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Share a scripture verse that has been “useful” for you.
  3. Share a teaching from the Bible that surprised you when you first heard it. Did you obey it? Why or why not?

Core #6: Team Up

As competitors, we depend on the support of others to reach our goals. Imagine a quarterback trying to pass the ball without the protection of the offensive line or a pitcher trying to throw strikes without the direction of a catcher. It’s the same for Christians. God designed people to be together. Here’s what to remember about being a part of God’s Team:

  • You Are A Part of God’s Team. You don’t have to go on this faith journey alone. When you join God’s team, you immediately have teammates to surround you. You are united with all other believers. You are the Church! 1 Corinthians 12:27
  • Teammates Support You. Life is challenging, but God has given you teammates to support you in the journey. You have power in a supportive team! Galatians 6:1-2
  • Teammates Strengthen You. Teammates not only support you, but they also strengthen you. You need a CORE team to go with you through the challenges of life.


  1. Read Galatians 6:1-2. Share a time when another believer helped you on to the right path.

Core #7: Know Your Role

On any sports team there are many different positions and roles. All athletes must use their talents and training to fulfill their unique role on the team. When everyone is giving 100%, the team succeeds. Your role is important and is vital to the success of your team. The same goes for your role on God's team. Here are some principles to know about your spiritual role:

  • You have a role. Your specific role is important and needed for the Church to succeed. When everyone is using their gifts and cooperating with each other, we share God's loving, welcoming, and powerful Spirit with others who don't yet know Christ.
  • Serve each other. When you trust Jesus with your life, you receive certain spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts empower you to live out your position and role in your church to serve others.
  • Love each other. The primary use for our gifts is to serve each other and build up the Church, but the heart behind the actions is just as important. We must love one another. You must love other believers first and serve them second.


  1. Read Galatians 6:1-2. Share a time when another believer helped you on to the right path.

Core #8: Share with Others

Athletes and coaches are some of the most influential people in today's culture. You have a unique opportunity to impact others with God's Word and see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through coaches and athletes. Going through The CORE is just the beginning of becoming a disciple. The next steps require you to invite others on the discipleship journey. We call it "conversational discipleship," and it happens in three phases:

  • ENGAGE. Reach out to coaches and athletes by building genuine relationships. Use the "Featured Topics" above to start intentional conversations with others, and be sure to pick topics that are interesting to them! 1 Thessalonians 2:8
  • EQUIP. Eventually you'll earn the right to have gospel conversations with others. That's when you take them through The CORE, eight essential to strengthen your faith. If they've never responded in faith to Jesus, be ready to help them do that in Topic #1.
  • EMPOWER. Once you're done taking someone through The CORE, be sure to finish the job. Don't just lead someone to faith; empower them to make disciples! 2 Timothy 2:2


  1. Engage, Equip, Empower – which one seems the most difficult to you? Explain.
  2. Describe the pathway for disciple-making in your own words. What’s the point to taking someone through The CORE?
  3. Do you feel qualified to make disciples? If not, what would qualify you?
  4. Make a list of one or two people who might be interested in a discipling relationship with you. Choose 5 topics from above (see Featured Topics) that would be interesting for them.
  5. Send one of those topics to the person on your list, along with an invitation to talk about it. Then pray for God to open the door to that discipling relationship.
  6. What do you need from your mentor moving forward? Additional training? Follow up support? Something else?


Finished The Pursuit? Here's what you can do next:

  1. Mentors, please log it with this link: [MILESTONE#3]
  2. Sign up for the pursueGOD newsletter.
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