In this lesson we’ll look at the Old Testament book of Jeremiah to see how the ancient people of Israel struggled with idols in their day.

Talking Points:

  • There was a time when Israel worshiped God for his provision and marveled at his miracles. The relationship between God and his people was fresh and new – like that of a young married couple. Jeremiah 2:2-3
  • An idol is the worship of something or someone revered above all else. In other words, an idol is anything in our lives that we value more than God. Jeremiah 2:7-11
  • Our idols are like broken pots or wells that can’t hold water. We can keep trying to collect water in them but the water will continue to seep out. Only God can provide the refreshing drink we need. Jeremiah 2:12-13
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some idols our culture encourages us to worship? How are those things reinforced or promoted in our society?
  3. Read Jeremiah 2:1-3. Share a time you were on a spiritual high with God. What did you learn about God during that time? Why is it hard to sustain that level of intimacy all the time?
  4. Read Jeremiah 2:4-7. Share a time God provided for you. Why do we so easily forget to give God credit for all he’s done in the past when we’re facing hard times now?
  5. Read Jeremiah 2:13. Why is it so common to want to replace God with something else? What are some of the “broken cisterns” you’ve put your hope in instead of God?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This is Lesson 1 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.

Want More? (for further study on this topic)

Watch the videos and read the passages to prepare your heart for this series. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.

Day 1

Watch –  “The Absurdity of Life Without God

Read Jeremiah 2. Write down all God’s grievances with Israel. What is the Israelites pattern of behavior?

Read Exodus 20:1-4. What are the first two commandments? What do you think it means that God is a jealous God?

Day 2

Watch –  “God Is Chasing You”

Read John 4:1-15. Why do you think Jesus engaged with this woman? What is the gift Jesus is referring to in verse 10? What is Jesus trying to get the woman to understand about the water she really needs?

Read Revelation 7:16-17. Who is the spring of living water? Do you believe that God is all you need to be fulfilled? Why or why not?

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