Popular Psalms

The book of Psalms is a book of songs, poems and prayers.

Psalm 1 – A Psalm of Choice

Talking Points:
  • The first option- sin captures your attention and cultural values influence your priorities.
  • The second option- you pledge your allegiance to God’s way leading to a life of obedience to biblical principles.
  1. Share a time you got lost on a roadtrip. Where did you end up?
  2. Read Psalm 1. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 1:1. Why do you think the psalmist describes sin in an incremental way? How have you seen your past sinful choices lead you far away from God?
  4. Read Psalm 1:4-5. What picture is painted for a sinful life style? How have you seen people pursue worldly pleasures and end up in a miserable place?
  5. Read Psalm 1:2-3. What does it look like to delight in God’s Word? What is a realistic picture for a woman who meditates on God’s word regularly?
  6. How has your life changed since you’ve chosen to go God’s way?
  7. Read Psalm 1:6 and Psalm 119:105. Why should we trust what the Bible says over our own thoughts and feelings?
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Psalm 23 – A Psalm of Protection

Talking Points:
  • Sheep aren’t smart or resourceful. They are easily led astray failing to realize the danger ahead.
  • A shepherd’s role is to protect their flock from danger and provide for the sheep’s every need. 
  1. What are some of the things you do to feel safe at home or when you’re out and about?
  2. Read Psalm 23. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 23:1-3. How are we like sheep ourselves? How has God provided for you in the past, especially in times when you’ve wandered into danger?
  4. Read Psalm 23:4. Why does God sometimes have to use the rod with us? How has God nudged you back into safer pastures in the past?
  5. Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Why is God worthy of our trust? What does it look like to seek His will, not our own?
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Psalm 51 – A Psalm of Repentance

Talking Points:
  • Start with seeking mercy – withholding the just punishment that’s deserved.
  • Acknowledge the sin, repent and go the opposite direction.
  • Walk in newness of life and restore your loyalty to God’s way.
  1. Why do you think David made such bad decisions after all God had done for him? How do you relate to David’s journey?
  2. Read Psalm 51. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 51:1-2 and 1 John 1:9. What does David appeal to when praying to God? What does it mean to be purified from our sin?
  4. Read Psalm 51:3-4. Why is there power in naming our sins? Describe David’s attitude in these verses? How does David’s attitude towards God and his sin challenge you?
  5. Read Psalm 51:10,16-17. What does a broken and contrite heart look like? Why are actions a part of true repentance?
  6. Read Ephesians 4:22-23. What are some things you need to throw off? What do you need to do to live according to your new heart?
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Psalm 103 – A Psalm of Worship

Talking Points:
  • Worship is surrendering your whole heart to the God who is worthy of your praise.
  • Praise His character – compassionate, merciful, and forgiving.
  • Praise His purposes – forgives, heals, renews.
  • Praise His plan for all of humanity and for you specifically!
  1. How would you define what it means to worship something? Based on those definitions, what are some things our culture worships?
  2. Read Psalm 103. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 103:8. How has God shown mercy and compassion to you? How have you experienced God’s unfailing love? How can you show a heart of thankfulness to Him for those things?
  4. Read Psalm 103:3-6,9-10. Identify all that God does for us from this passage. Which ones stand out most to you and why?
  5. Read Psalm 103:19. God rules over everything. What do you need to surrender to Him today?
  6. Read Matthew 22:37. God wants your whole heart. What will you do moving forward to grow in whole-life worship?
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Psalm 139 – A Psalm of Identity

Talking Points:
  • You have value. God created you – every part of you.
  • You have purpose. God has written your story.
  • You have security. God knows everything about you and still loves you.
  1. Who or what has had the greatest influence on how you view your self-worth? How have you been sucked into caring too much about how culture wants you to be defined?
  2. Read Psalm 139. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 139:13-15. Identify one or two of your unique traits. What has kept you from feeling like God’s special creation?
  4. Read Psalm 139:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? Explain. How have you seen God open up and close doors in your life revealing His plan?
  5. Read Psalm 139:23-24. How do you need to stop hiding from God? How has God pointed out offenses to you in the past? In what areas do you still need to grow?


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