Category: Faith Topics
Is Tithing Biblical?
Tithing isn’t mandated by the New Testament, but Christians should be good stewards of their money by giving regularly, proportionately, and sacrificially.
How Can You Know If You’re Really Saved?
Click for Shownotes How Can You Know If You’re Really Saved? Part 19 in our Acts series!! Part 3...
How Does Spiritual Conversion Actually Work?
Click for Shownotes How Does Spiritual Conversion Actually Work? Part 18 in our Acts series!! Part...
Did God Change How Salvation Works?
In this topic, we compare salvation in the Old Testament versus in the New Testament. How different are they really?
How Does Divine Intervention Work Today?
Miracles, angels, and visions; these things are seen prevalently in the Bible, but does God still work through divine intervention today? Explore this topic to find out.
Is Anyone Too Far Gone for God?
Is there anything we can do to disqualify us from God’s gift of eternal life? Explore this topic to find out the answer.
Can Christians Really “Name It and Claim It”?
The good news of the gospel is not that you get things but that you get God.
What’s the Role of the Spirit in our Lives Today? (Acts 2:14-21)
The Holy Spirit’s ministry is threefold: he convicts non-believers, guides believers, and glorifies Jesus.
Is Speaking in Tongues Biblical?
Is speaking in tongues biblical? If you were raised in a Pentecostal church, your answer is “yes”! If you were raised in a cessationist church, your answer is “no”! In this lesson we’ll see what the Bible has to say.
What Is Baptism with the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:1-13)
Jesus mentions being “baptized with the Holy Spirit.” What’s that all about?
What’s the Best Way to Wait on God? (Acts 1:12-26)
The waiting season is good, but it doesn’t always feel that way. What is God trying to teach you in the meantime?
What Does God Really Think About Women?
Today we’ll answer the question, “What does God really think about women?” The biblical answer is clear: God loves women and from the beginning has worked to bless them.
If God Is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?
Skeptics and scoffers love to stump Christians with this question: if God is good, why does evil exist? But if we take a look at the Bible, we can not only make sense of this difficult question, but find an answer that can change our eternity.
Does God Still Speak Through Prophets?
Some churches claim to have prophets who speak authoritatively for God. But is that really a thing anymore? If not, how do we hear from God?
Is the Bible Just Another Book?
Why do so many churches and Christians make such a big deal of the Bible? Isn’t it just an out-dated, irrelevant piece of ancient literature? Shouldn’t we keep it on the shelf and use more modern books to teach us how to live? These are the questions we’ll explore today.
Is There Only One True Church?
Several religions claim to be the one true church or the exclusive path to heaven. But what does the Bible say? Is there only one true church? And if not, do all roads lead to heaven?
How Good is Good Enough?
Almost every world religion offers a pathway to heaven through good works and personal efforts. But Christianity is different.
Resurrection Sunday (Mark 16)
The resurrection is the climax of Mark’s gospel. It is the climax of every gospel. Gospel means “Good News”. Without the resurrection, there is no good news.
The Seven Questions of Pilate (Mark 15:1-15)
In Mark 15:1-15 Pilate asks six different questions in his search for truth. John’s gospel adds a seventh, one of the most profound questions in history.
The Identity of Jesus on Trial (Mark 14:53-65)
The trial of Jesus shows us how people in every generation can get Jesus wrong. Both the religious and irreligious can misjudge the Judge of all.
Are You Giving God Lip Service? (Mark 14:43-52)
Today we cover the famous story of Jesus’ betrayal, and it’ll cause us to reflect on a personal question: are you giving God lip service?
How Should You Pray in Your Hour of Need? (Mark 14:32-42)
Today we’re looking at the famous story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. It’ll give us some insight into our question for the day: How should you pray in your hour of need?
How Jesus Kept Peter on Mission (Mark 14:27-31, 66-71)
Today we look at the story of Peter’s betrayal of Jesus, a classic example of “mission drift” in the Bible.
How Do You Know If Your Faith Is Authentic? (Mark 14:12-26)
Today we’re looking at the Last Supper of Jesus, focusing on his comment that one of his disciples would betray him.
What Is the Story of the New Testament?
The New Testament tells us the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the spread of Christianity. In order to help you understand the New Testament, we’ve put together this overview of its message.
How Judas Handled the Hard Sayings of Jesus (Mark 14:1-11)
Today we cover the “scandalous” incident of Jesus’ anointing just before his final Passover meal.
What Is the Story of the Old Testament?
The Old Testament tells us the story of the creation of the earth, the history of God’s people, and God’s plan to rescue the world.
How Do I Read the Bible?
Bible reading is one of the basic habits that every Christian should have, but how do you do it? Here are some practical tips for newcomers.
How To Come Back From the Burden of Shame
Click for Shownotes Today we’ll talk about how to overcome your shameful past to experience the...
What Is the Structure of the Bible?
The Bible is composed of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. It’s not organized by date, but rather by genre – like a library.
Harnessing Your Fear to Build Your Faith
Resilience is harnessing difficult emotions to build your faith. Today we talk about how to harness fear and anxiety, and we’ll look at the incredible story of King Jehoshaphat. Here was a guy who turned to God in his darkest moment and ended up experiencing his biggest blessing.
Where Did We Get the Bible?
The Bible has been around for thousands of years, carefully translated and maintained for the benefit of people today. But where did we get it, and how do we know it’s trustworthy?
God’s Grace: Prevenient vs. Irresistible
Calvinists and Arminians agree that humans are saved by God’s grace alone. Does God apply grace in advance to allow people the capacity to follow him? Or does God apply grace to those who are chosen, in order to actually bring about their salvation?
Jesus’ Saving Work: For Everyone or for Some?
Calvinists and Arminians debate about the extent of Jesus’ death on the cross. Did he die for all people, or only for those God chose to save?
Watch for Jesus (Mark 13:28-37)
In Mark 13:28-37 Jesus finishes his Olivet discourse and his discussion of the End Times. He never gives an answer to the timing of the End, but he does give insight into how we should live in light of it.
Divine Election: Conditional or Unconditional?
The word “election” refers to the process of choosing. The Bible teaches that God chooses those who believe. But is God’s choice unconditional, based only on his own will? Or is God’s choice conditional, based on some quality or action of the person who is saved?
Signs of the End (Mark 13:14-27)
In Mark 13:14-27 Jesus talks about the Antichrist, the tribulation, and even the rapture. It begins to answer the ageless question: What will the End look like?
Human Nature: Inability or Free Will?
The two theological systems known as Calvinism and Arminianism disagree about many things. Their greatest agreement comes in their understanding of the human condition. The difference between the two approaches has to do with how God acts to remedy the human problem.
Are We Living In The End Times? (Mark 13:1-13)
Jesus talks about the end of the world. This passage has been studied and interpreted for generations, and it helps us to answer the question: are we living in the end times?
An Introduction To Calvinism and Arminianism
Today we start a 6-week series on one of the most heated theological debates of the last 500 years: Calvinism vs. Arminianism
How To Spot a Spiritual Fraud (Mark 12:38-44)
Jesus raises negative and positive examples that illustrate the nature of genuine, life-transforming faith. Religious leaders demonstrated a surface religion that failed to honor God. A poor widow showed a deep, authentic faith that sacrificed to honor God.
Son of David (Mark 12:35-37)
In Mark 12:35-37 it’s Jesus’ turn to ask the questions, and he begins with a question about the Messiah. It causes us to ask a question of our own: do we have Jesus right?
What is Systematic Theology?
Systematic theology is a discipline within Christian theology that seeks to organize and present the beliefs and doctrines of the Christian faith in a systematic and coherent way.
How Well Do You Know Your Bible? (Mark 12:28-34)
In Mark 12:28-34 Jesus lays out the Greatest Commandment, and it begs a question for modern Christians: How well do you know your Bible?
The Meaning of “Strength” in Hebrew
What does it mean to love God “with all of your strength”? The Hebrew word “Me’od” in the famous Shema prayer (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) will give us some insight.
What Does the Bible Say About Angels?
Imagine what an angel looks like – then watch to see if you’re right.
What Will Eternity Be Like? (Mark 12:18-27)
Jesus encounters a group called the Sadducees. Their question to him causes us to seek an answer to a broader question: what will eternity be like?
The Meaning of “Soul” in Hebrew
In the Bible, a “soul” isn’t something you have; it’s something you are. To love God with all of your “Nephesh” is to go beyond a superficial faith and make a “soul-level” commitment.
Taxes for Caesar (Mark 12:13-17)
In Mark 12:13-17 Jesus is asked about whether Jews should pay taxes to Caesar. His answer spurs on a more modern question for Christians: Do you take taxes more seriously than tithing?
The Meaning of “Heart” in Hebrew
Today’s culture tells you to “follow your heart”. But Moses gave the ancient Israelites different advice (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).