By nature, we want to put ourselves first. Follow our hearts. Do what’s best for us. Step on other people to get what we want. But is that how God wants us to see the world?

Talking Points:

  • Principle #1: Love God. That means respect him. Honor him. Put his truth above your opinion. Matthew 22:37-39
  • Principle #2: Love People. Serve people and be kind. Treat them the way you want to be treated.
  • Following God is a “me third” mindset. That’s how we should live if we want to live according to a biblical worldview. Love God. Love others. Love yourself. In that order. Mark 10:43-45
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some things in life that you love? How do you normally act when you love something?
  3. Read Matthew 22:37-39. Why do you think Jesus listed three ways of loving God: with our hearts, souls, and minds? Give an example of how you can love God in each of these three categories.
  4. What happens when a person loves God but doesn’t love people?
  5. What happens when a person loves people but doesn’t love God?
  6. What is a “me-first” approach to life, and what kinds of problems does it create?
  7. Read Mark 10:43-45. What is a “me-third” approach to life? Give an example of how you can act in a “me-third” way this week (for example: letting your sibling go first.)
  8. Based on this lesson, how would you summarize Jesus’ “grid” for approaching life?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?




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