The Grid for Students

A 28-Day Challenge to help you see the world like Jesus does. Watch a short Bible reading video every day on your own, and talk about the discussion video every week with your family, group or mentor.

What’s Your Grid? | The Grid Day #0

Learn how to have a biblical worldview to know which ideas are dangerous and which ones are true.

Talking Points:

  • A “grid,” or worldview, is just the way that you understand the world. Lots of things can shape your understanding, like your family, your experiences, and even movies, music, and social media.
  • As Christians, we ultimately want to see the world like Jesus does, and we want our worldview to be shaped by biblical truth.
  • A biblical worldview takes time and practice. Seeing the world like Jesus isn’t easy, and it doesn’t come naturally to us. It’s a habit that we have to work on! Colossians 1:8
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Review the definition of a worldview. Why does it matter the type of worldview you have?
  3. Share an example of someone who has a different worldview than you (it could just be a difference of opinion on a particular issue.)
  4. Read Colossians 1:8.Why are the secular ideas mentioned in the video so dangerous? What are some of the possible consequences of believing these things?
  5. Why do we want a biblical worldview? Why can it be challenging to have a biblical worldview?
  6. If seeing the world like Jesus ultimately leads to our joy, what is one step we can take in the next week to start developing a more Jesus-centered worldview?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?




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Me Third | The Grid Day #7

By nature, we want to put ourselves first. Follow our hearts. Do what’s best for us. Step on other people to get what we want. But is that how God wants us to see the world?

Talking Points:

  • Principle #1: Love God. That means respect him. Honor him. Put his truth above your opinion. Matthew 22:37-39
  • Principle #2: Love People. Serve people and be kind. Treat them the way you want to be treated.
  • Following God is a “me third” mindset. That’s how we should live if we want to live according to a biblical worldview. Love God. Love others. Love yourself. In that order. Mark 10:43-45
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some things in life that you love? How do you normally act when you love something?
  3. Read Matthew 22:37-39. Why do you think Jesus listed three ways of loving God: with our hearts, souls, and minds? Give an example of how you can love God in each of these three categories.
  4. What happens when a person loves God but doesn’t love people?
  5. What happens when a person loves people but doesn’t love God?
  6. What is a “me-first” approach to life, and what kinds of problems does it create?
  7. Read Mark 10:43-45. What is a “me-third” approach to life? Give an example of how you can act in a “me-third” way this week (for example: letting your sibling go first.)
  8. Based on this lesson, how would you summarize Jesus’ “grid” for approaching life?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?




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Born Again | The Grid Day #14

If you really want a relationship with Jesus, you'll have to trust his perspective AND his power to get there.

Talking Points:

  • Following Jesus starts with a willingness to change your mind. This is what it means to have a heart of repentance-turning from your perspective to God’s perspective.
  • Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be “born again”. He was like that newborn baby: totally powerless to save himself, and totally dependent on someone else to save him. John 3:2-3
  • When you believe in Jesus, you are believing that his death on the cross was enough to pay for your sins. Placing your faith in Jesus saves you, not your good works. John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Luke 18:9-14. How would you describe the Pharisees’ “grid” for looking at life?
  3. What are some ways that Christians can act like Pharisees?
  4. Read John 3:1-4. How was Nicodemus’ attitude toward Jesus different than other Pharisees we see in the Bible?
  5. What is repentance? How does the story of Nicodemus help us understand repentance a little better?
  6. Do you ever feel like you have to do good things to please God? What does this look like in your life?
  7. Read John 3:16. What is your reaction to understanding that being saved means simply trusting Jesus’ work for you on the cross?
  8. Read Romans 10:9-10. If you’ve had your defining moment, share with the group how it happened. If you haven’t had your defining moment and want to, feel free to talk to your small group leader afterward or reach out to your mentor during the week to discuss this.
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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All In | The Grid Day #21

So far we have talked about how we need to accept Jesus’ grid and his power alone to save us. But after we’re saved, what happens next? Here are three tips to living “all in” for Jesus.

Talking Points:

  • Being “All In” with Jesus means:
    • You should get baptized. Baptism doesn’t save you – only trusting in Jesus can do that – but it is an important symbol that you intend to live a new kind of life. Romans 6:4, Matthew 28:20
    • Live a Christ-centered life. Your good works don’t save you but God wants you to live out his plan for your life. Ephesians 2:10, Galatians 5:1
    • Make disciples. If you’re a Christian, God is calling you to personally walk with someone and help them pursue God.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Tell us about a time you went “all in” for some hobby or activity. How did that change the way you lived?
  3. Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Romans 6:4. What is baptism, and why does God want us to do it? Why do you think people hesitate to be baptized?
  4. Read Matthew 28:18-20 again. What comes after baptism?
  5. The Bible talks about how obedience to sin leads to death. Think of a time when you willingly decided to keep sinning, and where that led you. What words would you use to describe that experience?
  6. Think of a time when you decided to obey Jesus. Describe what you did and how that affected you.
  7. Read Galatians 5:1. How is the obedience Jesus is talking about different from slavery to the Law?
  8. Give some examples of what a “Christ-centered” life might look like today?
  9. Look at Matthew 28:18-20 once more. What is Jesus’ basic command? To whom is this command given? Do you think it applies to us today? Explain.
  10. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?



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Going Out | The Grid Day #28

Followers of Jesus will experience people in the real world who have vastly different worldviews. Jesus shows us how to engage those outside our faith with truth and love.

Talking Points:

  • When Jesus was confronted with an opposing worldview, he didn’t jump to conclusions and start pointing fingers. He simply paused and gathered his thoughts. John 8:6
  • When you go into the world with a biblical worldview, you’ll meet some people like the Pharisees: arrogant, self-righteous, and ready to pick a fight. Others will be more kind but just as clueless about Jesus’ grid. Learn to tell the difference, speak the truth with confidence, and trust God to change their hearts. John 8:7-9
  • Though Jesus was a great preacher, he recognized that people need individual attention. This is his plan for reaching the world: sending out mentors who are equipped to share the truth in the context of a personal relationship. John 8:10-11
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. When you interact with other worldviews, do you tend to be more of a coward or more of a jerk? Explain.
  3. Give some examples of unattractive zeal you have seen from Christians – on social media or in person.
  4. Read John 8:6. What is likely to happen if you don’t pause before confronting someone about their sin?
  5. Read John 8:7-8. How did Jesus throw the Pharisees a curveball in this interaction? How did that approach change the tone of the situation?
  6. Read Acts 1:8. What is the Holy Spirit’s role as we engage with people far from God? Why is it important to understand what is our job and what’s not our job in dealing with others?
  7. Read John 8:10-11. How did Jesus respond to the woman? What does that tell us about how we should approach the people in our lives?
  8. Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. How is the good news of Jesus like a fragrant perfume? Why do some people reject the aroma and others embrace it?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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