Launching a Group

Use the resources below to help launch a healthy small group.

How to Lead a Small Group Discussion

People grow when they can participate in discovering and sharing the truth together. The resources at will help you lead engaging conversations with that result.

How to Help Someone Pursue God| The “FLEX” Method

Ready to help someone pursue God? Empower your conversations with these three simple steps.

Bad Answers to Good Questions

What to do when someone answers a discussion question in a way that is not quite right.

Dealing with the Small Group Dominator

Many small group leaders must deal with people who dominate the discussion during a meeting. Here are a few tips for dealing with a dominator.

Encouraging Quiet People to Share in Groups

How to encourage quieter people to participate in small group discussions.

Help Your Group Get Comfortable with Prayer

Praying together can be a powerful experience for a small group. But group members are often uncomfortable praying aloud. Here’s how you can help develop a common prayer life as a group.

When Someone Drops a Bombshell in Your Group

Sometimes a member of a small group will drop a shocking, major bombshell on the group. There is no way to prepare in advance for a shock you don’t know is coming, but if you are flexible, your group can rise to the occasion to be used by God. Here’s how.

When Your Small Group Gets Off Track

Tangents and rabbit trails can take your group off track at any time. As a leader, it is your job to manage group tangents. Here are a few tips.

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Why Switch to PursueGOD for Your Men’s Group

Chad explains how his men’s group changed when he made the switch to’s free conversation-based resources.

3 Tips for Finding Conversations for Groups or Mentoring

Finding a conversation for your small group or mentoring meeting is one of the simplest ways to make sure your time together is well spent.

3 Simple Tech Tips for Every Group

Leading a group by printing out discussion guides or workbooks is fine, but using technology in your group is even better. Try these simple tips for using technology in your group…

3 Ways to Connect to a TV for your Group

Using the pursueGOD resources with your group (or family) works best if you connect to a TV so everyone can see videos, articles, and discussion questions.

More Ministry Topics

See what’s new in our “Ministry” category or browse all topics.

Does God Still Speak Through Prophets?

Some churches claim to have prophets who speak authoritatively for God. But is that really a thing anymore? If not, how do we hear from God?

Is the Bible Just Another Book?

Why do so many churches and Christians make such a big deal of the Bible? Isn’t it just an out-dated, irrelevant piece of ancient literature? Shouldn’t we keep it on the shelf and use more modern books to teach us how to live? These are the questions we’ll explore today.

How Should Christians View Abortion

Humans are created in the image of God.  As such, they have immeasurable worth and value, and this is true of every human.

Is There Only One True Church?

Several religions claim to be the one true church or the exclusive path to heaven. But what does the Bible say? Is there only one true church? And if not, do all roads lead to heaven?

Unboxing (Series)

What if there was a box that contained all of the answers to your deepest questions?

How Good is Good Enough?

Almost every world religion offers a pathway to heaven through good works and personal efforts. But Christianity is different.