Gossip is dangerous and poisonous to our relationships. Learn what to watch out for and what it takes to avoid being a gossip.

Talking Points:

  • Gossip is when we speak to someone who is neither a part of the problem or a part of a solution about someone who is not present.
  • There are 7 reasons why gossip is so poisonous:
    • It feeds our own sense of superiority as we feel good about ourselves at the expense of someone else.
    • It sows distrust amongst your team or family. After all, what might you be saying about them when they’re not around.
    • It harms your spiritual witness. We should care about others and treat them in a manner that honors Jesus.
    • It destroys your integrity. You can’t be honest and fair while also being a gossip.
    • It harms or ends relationships because gossip is hurtful and destructive.
    • It ruins reputations when you gossip about someone, especially if you are speaking untruths about someone else.  
    • It will come back to hurt you. There are always consequences when gossip occurs.
  • 3 ways to avoid gossip:
    • Determine if what you’re doing is gossip. If the person you’re talking to has no role to play in problem or solution, stop.
    • Stop it when you hear it.  Redirect the conversation or tell the person who is gossiping that you’re uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation.
    • Be an advocate. Stick up for the person who is being gossiped about.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time gossip really hurt you or someone close to you.
  3. Share your own definition of gossip. What are some key elements that you feel must be present to make it gossip?
  4. Why can it be hard to discern what is or isn’t gossip?
  5. Review the list of 7 things that make gossip poisonous. Which ones stand out most to you and why?
  6. Read Proverbs 16:23-24. How is gossip unwise? How can you be better about the words you choose to speak?
  7. Read Proverbs 16:28. How will you keep gossip from being a part of your team or family dynamic?
  8. Review the 3 ways to avoid gossip. How will you incorporate each one into your life?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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