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Have you ever stopped to consider the cost of following Jesus? In Mark 8:31-9:1, an extraordinary moment unfolds as Jesus reveals his hidden identity and discusses its profound implications for his disciples. It raises a challenging question that continues to resonate with us today: Are we truly willing to endure suffering for the sake of Jesus? Let’s delve deeper into the context of this passage and explore the transformative message it carries.

Jesus’ Unexpected Mission:

Imagine the scene: Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, gathers his disciples and drops a bombshell. He explains that he must undergo immense suffering, death, and ultimately resurrection (Mark 8:31). This revelation shattered the prevailing Jewish expectations of a triumphant and victorious Messiah. The disciples’ minds were likely reeling as they grappled with the revolutionary nature of Jesus’ true purpose.

Peter’s Misunderstanding and Jesus’ Response:

Now, let’s put ourselves in the sandals of Peter. Filled with conviction, he boldly declares Jesus as the Messiah. Yet, just moments later, he takes Jesus aside to offer some well-intentioned advice, mistakenly trying to set him straight about the path he should take (Mark 8:32-33). Jesus, with firmness and compassion, corrects Peter’s limited perspective, revealing the magnitude of the mission at hand. It becomes evident that the disciples struggled to comprehend the full depth and radical implications of Jesus’ identity.

Taking Up the Cross:

Here’s where the journey becomes challenging. Jesus turns to the crowd and his disciples, proclaiming that being his follower comes at a cost (Mark 8:34-38). He calls upon them, and by extension, all believers, to take up their crosses. But this is no mere symbolic gesture; it demands radical self-denial. Jesus beckons us to surrender our own desires, ambitions, and comforts in order to align ourselves with God’s greater purpose. It requires an unwavering commitment to live out our faith in every aspect of our lives.

The Kingdom of God and Suffering:

Jesus reveals that his death and resurrection inaugurated the Kingdom of God, ushering in a new era (Mark 9:1). Yet, throughout history, participating in this Kingdom has often come at a steep price. Countless followers of Jesus have faced persecution, suffering, and even martyrdom. However, despite these trials, Jesus reminds us that the rewards of following him far outweigh any hardships we may encounter. The joy, peace, and eternal hope found in embracing the Kingdom of God surpass any fleeting comfort or security the world offers.


In Mark 8:31-9:1, Jesus pulls back the veil, unveiling his true identity and the remarkable implications it holds for his disciples. The call to follow him comes at a price, requiring a willingness to endure suffering for his sake. Throughout history, brave and faithful followers of Jesus have answered this call, understanding that the Kingdom of God transcends temporal circumstances. Today, we are confronted with the same challenging question: Are we willing to endure suffering for Jesus?

Talking Points:
  • In Mark 8:31-9:1 Jesus finally reveals his hidden identity and discusses its implications for his disciples. It leaves us with a challenging question: are you willing to suffer for Jesus?
  • Jesus uses Peter’s declaration of faith as a springboard to explain the true mission of the Messiah. Contrary to Jewish expectations, Jesus would have to suffer, die, and be resurrected. Mark 8:31 
  • Peter, just minutes after declaring him to be the Messiah, takes Jesus aside to correct his perspective. Jesus reprimands Peter for not seeing the big picture. Mark 8:32-33
  • Just as there was a cost to being the Messiah, there is a cost to following him. Jesus calls all of us to “take up the cross” – which requires radical self-denial. Mark 8:34-38
  • The Kingdom of God was inaugurated at the death and resurrection of Jesus, and participation in it has brought suffering and persecution for generations of Christians. Even today, it’s worth the cost. Mark 9:1  
  1. How have you “suffered” for your faith in Jesus? What has surprised you most thus far about your journey of faith?
  2. Read Mark 8:31. Why is this such shocking information for the disciples? Why do you think Jesus waited to share about his coming suffering, death and resurrection until now?
  3. Read Mark 8:32-33. How would you describe Peter’s reaction to Jesus? Why does Jesus compare Peter’s response to something Satan would say?
  4. Read Mark 8:34-38. What does “taking up your cross” mean to you? What have you had to give up to follow Jesus?
  5. How has your life changed since surrendering your life to Jesus?

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