Isn't the Sabbath just an Old Testament thing? Find out what Allen Parr has to say about it.

Talking Points:

  • The Sabbath was something that was created at creation. God set it as a precedent for us to follow because he knew that we were going to need a day of rest.
  • Here are 4 things you can do to take advantage of the Sabbath:
    • Rest. In the midst of all the stuff we have going on, it’s good to take one day out of the week to recharge.
    • Reconnect. Whether it’s reading your Bible, praying, listening to worship music, or all of the above, take the time to reconnect with God after a busy week. 
    • Relate. Get rid of all the distractions and relate to the people around you. Spend that time growing in your relationships with other people. 1 John 1:7
    • Rejoice. The Sabbath is a great time to take a step back and thank God for all of his blessings.
  • All this talk about the Sabbath is great, but it doesn’t really count unless you are working hard. Remember to honor God with the way you work and rest!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Make a list of all that you do in a week (homework, activities, sports, entertainment). What do these activities say about your priorities right now?
  3. What do you think of when you hear the word Sabbath? Why don’t we hear more about this idea in church today?
  4. Read Genesis 2:2. Why do you think God chose to rest?
  5. As of right now, do you work hard enough? Do you rest enough? Explain.
  6. Read Proverbs 16:3. What does this verse tell us to do? Of the 4 R’s mentioned by Allen, which one is easiest for you to do? Which one is the hardest?
  7. Read 1 John 1:7. What does this verse say we need to do to have real fellowship with one another?
  8. Make a plan for how you will observe the Sabbath in your life.
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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