Galatians 2 refers to two different meetings that changed the course of the Christian church. Paul helped the early leaders to draw a line in the sand on the radical message of grace.

Talking Points:

  • The early church met in Jerusalem to formalize the essence of the Christian message: Salvation = Jesus + nothing. Paul wrote Galatians either shortly before this council or shortly after. Galatians 2:1-2, Acts 15:4-5, 10-11
  • The gospel of grace was a big leap for the disciples who had grown up Jewish, but it was even harder for the ex-Pharisee Paul. At a pivotal point in the history of the church, God had revealed the same gospel to both Peter and Paul. Peter carried the message mainly to the Jews, Paul to the Gentiles. Galatians 2:8, Acts 9:3-4, Acts 10:34-36
  • In Antioch, Paul met with Peter to call him out for not standing up for the true gospel. He was acting one way in front of the Gentiles and another in front of the Jews. Peter knew the gospel message, but he was having a hard time selling out to it. Galatians 2:14-16
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Briefly come up with a list of some “Die For” issues and some “Decide For” issues. How have you seen Christians elevate issues of lesser importance and become divisive over them?
  3. How have you seen false teachers turn “Die For” issues into “Debate For” issues? Why is this a dangerous thing?
  4. Read Acts 15:4-5 and Galatians 2:2. Why did some leaders think Gentiles should be circumcised and follow the law of Moses? How was that contradicting Paul’s grace message?
  5. Read Acts 15:6-11. Why was the law burdensome to the Jews? What was Peter’s point in these verses?
  6. Read Philippians 3:5,7. Knowing Paul’s upbringing, why do you think he was able to embrace the message of grace more quickly than the other apostles?
  7. Read Acts 10:11-16 and Galatians 2:11-12. After seeing the vision from God, why do you think Peter was afraid to stand for the gospel when the religious types came around? How have you seen Christians (or yourself) fail to stand up for the gospel today?
  8. Read Galatians 2:21. Share your insights from this verse. Will you stand for the gospel even if it costs you something?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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