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Talking Points:
  • God’s Word instructs us to flee from sexual immorality, not see how close we can get without giving into temptation. 
  • Pornography is a distortion of God’s gift of sex within the marriage relationship.  It will distort your expectations and set you up for a lifetime of disappointment and hurt.  
  • Our first strategy should be to flee, but we should also link up with other Christian men who can help us fight this battle. 
  • God is not holding out on us and his grace is bigger than failures we’ve made in this area. 
  1. Read 1 Corinthians 6:18.Why do you think God calls us to flee sexual immorality instead of standing and fighting against it?
  2. Read Ecclesiastes 4:12. What are practical ways you can flee from porn or other sexual temptations?
  3. If you’ve struggled with porn, what are some of the ways it may have distorted your view of God’s design for sex and physical intimacy within a marriage? 
  4. Do you think it’s easier or harder to run from porn once you’re married? Why? 
  5. What are some areas in your life where you’ve found God’s boundaries to be helpful?  How can those examples build your faith that God’s boundaries in the area of sexual sin are also helpful? 

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