The book of Revelation can be hard to understand and apply to our lives, but it helps if we read it through four “lenses”.

Talking Points:

  • The first century lens views the historical context of the passage. First Christians would have seen the description of Antichrist (Revelation 13) in Roman emperors like Nero and Domitian.
  • The future lens views the period just before and surrounding the second coming of Christ. There may be a great, final Antichrist who embodies the world’s opposition to God just before Jesus returns.
  • The universal lens views conflict that marks every age of history and every generation. Antichrists like Hitler and Stalin have arisen throughout history to oppose God and his people. 
  • The contemporary lens speaks to the issues and choices you face in your everyday life. In our day, we should be watchful for human leaders who express the “antichrist spirit”.
  1. Read Revelation 13 before talking through this topic.
  2. In your own words, describe the “first century lens”. Try to explain Revelation 13 from this perspective.
  3. In your own words, describe the “future lens”. Now try to explain Revelation 13 from this perspective.
  4. In your own words, describe the “universal lens”. Make a list of possible “antichrist” figures in world history.
  5. In your own words, describe the “contemporary lens”. How would you apply Revelation 13 to today’s world?
  6. What’s your takeaway from today’s topic?
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