The Church is called to serve the poor and powerless in Jesus’ name. This demonstrates God’s love and opens peoples’ hearts to hear the gospel.

Talking Points:

  • The early church was committed to helping the poor and powerless because Jesus was. They were willing to address the underlying conditions of people’s pain. Acts 10:38, Acts 3:4-6
  • Christians carried on this love for needy people throughout history. Bible-believing Christians led the way in abolishing slavery, protecting exploited women and children, developing hospitals and more. 1 John 3:17-18
  • When we serve others, it paves the way for the message of Jesus. The strongest proof of our message is not a rational argument but our practical love for people. Matthew 5:14-16
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. How have you served others that didn’t involve finances? How has someone helped you in your life that had nothing to do with money?
  3. What interactions have you had with people in need in your community? How have those experiences impacted you?
  4. Read Acts 3:3-6. Describe how Peter and John viewed their interaction with the beggar. How did a physical healing impact that man’s life more than any amount of money he could’ve been given?
  5. Read 1 John 3:17-18. How do these verses challenge you? How will you challenge yourself to do more in your community?
  6. Read Matthew 5:14-16. Why do actions speak louder than words? How can meeting a physical need open the door to faith conversations in the future?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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