Sick of fighting over money as a couple? Sit down and create a budget together, and then blame the budget when you can’t buy that new toy!

Talking Points:

  • The point of creating a budget is to track every dollar to give you a clear snapshot of your financial standing. It’s especially helpful for your marriage – or for couples who are preparing for marriage.
  • Make a copy of our free budget template and fill it out for your finances. Plug in your numbers in the major categories: giving, savings, needs and wants.
  • Creating a budget proactively will keep you from fighting over money reactively. Being accountable to a budget is a great way to earn trust in your marriage.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Make a copy of the budget template and fill it out for your finances.
  3. How often do you fight over your finances? What causes the fights?
  4. If you’ve created a budget in the past, how did it help you? How did it fail to work?
  5. Read Matthew 6:21. What does this verse mean? How will creating a budget tell you where your priorities are right now?
  6. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. What are your major “wants” right now? How does spending in that area compare to your giving category?
  7. What are some future goals you have as a couple? What adjustments do you need to make now to make those possible?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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