God reveals himself to us, but his true nature is beyond our finite comprehension.

Talking Points:

  • God reveals himself to us in ways we can understand, but the complete fullness of his nature is beyond human comprehension.
  • In the Book of Daniel, Daniel has a dream about a person called the Son of Man – which simply means “part of the human race” or “a member of humanity.” The Son of Man is portrayed as distinct from God but also as God. Daniel 7:13-14
  • The gospel accounts portray Jesus as fully human but also equate him with the OT God of Israel, Yahweh. He is shown to be a human being who exercises the rights, privileges, and powers of God – like by calming the sea, feeding the five thousand, forgiving sins, and raising the dead.
  • Through the Holy Spirit we interact with God the Father, and Jesus promised that through him the Spirit would go out and share the Father’s love with all humanity (Acts 1-2) and with all creation. Romans 8:26-27, Acts 1:6-8
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What do you think are the most confusing or difficult areas of God’s nature? Why?
  3. Do you agree that God “breaks our categories”? Explain.
  4. What does it mean that God is “transcendent”? Explain.
  5. Read Exodus 3:14. Why do you think this is God’s response when Moses asks him, “Who should I say sent me?”
  6. Read Daniel 7:13-14. Why do you think Jesus so often referred to himself as “Son of Man”?
  7. Read John 1:1 and John 17:24. What are these verses teaching about Jesus Christ?
  8. “The point is not to fully understand God – as if that were even possible. The point is to know God and to be known by God so that we can participate in his love.” What should living out this statement look like in our lives?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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