Are you a fake friend or do you hang around fake friends? Learn about 4 types of bad friends and what to do about it.

Talking Points:

  • The User: This friend uses you for what they can get from you. It might be for social power or homework help.
  • The Manipulator: This friend always wants things their way. They will do whatever it takes to be the center of attention and the one calling the shots.
  • The Abandoner: This friend is hot and cold. One day they’re your best friend and then one day they blow you off for someone else. 1 Corinthians 15:33
  • The Gossiper: This friend is nice to your face but then hates on you to others. They might even spread false rumors about you if it serves their purposes. Ephesians 4:29
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Who is your best friend and why?
  3. Without naming names, think about a User in your life. How have they used you and how did that affect you?
  4. How does a Manipulator change the dynamics of your friend group? Why is it hard to be around someone who always wants their way?
  5. Have you ever been abandoned by a friend? Share. Have you ever been guilty of abandoning someone? Why did you do that?
  6. Read Ephesians 4:29. Why is gossip so toxic to friendships. How have you been guilty of gossip? How should we use our words instead?
  7. Read 1 Corinthians 15:33. How are your friends being a good influence on you? How are they being a bad influence?
  8. Read Matthew 7:12. Of the 4 fake friends, which one best describes you? What will you do to start being a better friend?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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