The 2019 Marriage Retreat

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If God Is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?

Skeptics and scoffers love to stump Christians with this question: if God is good, why does evil exist? Philosophers have framed the problem like this: If God is able to prevent evil, but not willing to do so, he is evil himself. If God...

Is the Bible Just Another Book?

Why do so many churches and Christians make such a big deal of the Bible? Isn’t it just an out-dated, irrelevant piece of ancient literature? Shouldn’t we keep it on the shelf and use more modern books to teach us how to live? These are the questions we’ll explore today.

Is There Only One True Church?

Several religions claim to be the one true church or the exclusive path to heaven. But what does the Bible say? Is there only one true church? And if not, do all roads lead to heaven?

Unboxing (Series)

What if there was a box that contained all of the answers to your deepest questions?

How Good is Good Enough?

Almost every world religion offers a pathway to heaven through good works and personal efforts. But Christianity is different.

Resurrection Sunday (Mark 16)

The resurrection is the climax of Mark’s gospel. It is the climax of every gospel. Gospel means “Good News”. Without the resurrection, there is no good news.

Is Amnesty the Answer?

In this episode, Pastor John interviews Pastor Rene about the immigration crisis and the topic of amnesty. They discuss the current situation at the border, the process of filing for asylum, and the temporary amnesty available to...

Not A One and Done | FEED (Students)

So, as we’ve pointed out, reading the Bible isn’t a “one and done” transaction–it’s an ongoing engagement that is sometimes challenging and confusing but totally worth...

Living in The In-Between | FEED (Students)

The passage we’re about to read, Hebrews 11, is known as the “Hall of Faith.” It goes through a long list of people from the Old Testament who, by faith, participated in...

The Bible: What is it? | FEED (Students)

Read Before Watching: If you’ve ever opened your Bible and felt overwhelmed–you’re not alone. Even if you believe it’s God’s Word and that everything it says is true, you might still feel lost or...

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