This is part 1 of 5 in the Unlocking the Bible sermonlink series. Find this and other sermons on YouTube here.

For the Unlocking the Bible campaign, small groups should use this conversation - What Is the Bible? - instead of the sermon recap.
From the series How to Read the Bible.

[Go to Topic: What Is the Bible?]

Do you read the Bible? Do you let it impact your everyday life? Worldly ideas come and go, but the truth of God’s Word has lasted through every generation. The prophet Isaiah made this clear thousands of years ago.

Isaiah‬ ‭40:6-7 A voice said, “Shout!” I asked, “What should I shout?” “Shout that people are like the grass. Their beauty fades as quickly as the flowers in a field. The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people..”

In this lesson we’ll unpack that passage to prove that the Bible is the book that understands us, even in the modern world of today.

[Related: How Did the Bible Become the Bible?]

Everything We Create Is Temporary

Have you ever planted a garden only to notice how much time and energy it took to do it? And if you’re anything like the average backyard gardener, you also noticed how quickly all of the vegetables rotted! The truth is that everything we create is temporary. In today’s world of technology all we have to do is look at our phones. How quickly is an iPhone outdated? The prophet Isaiah understood this truth.

Isaiah‬ ‭40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.

These words were written to Israel in exile in Babylon in the 6th century. Jerusalem was destroyed. God’s people seemed defeated. But God’s message of hope was clear: even mighty Babylon would one day die off like the grass. And history tells us they did.

The Bible Outlasts Every Fad and Human Innovation

Think about how many generations have tried to discredit the Bible. The 18th century French philosopher Voltaire said, “One hundred years from today the Bible will be a forgotten book.” He was an atheist who lived in the time of the Enlightenment, and he really thought he had his facts straight. But a hundred years later everyone forgot his bold quote. And what’s more, his homestead was used as a book depository for the French Bible Society! The truth is, God’s Word has far outlasted the writings of Voltaire or any other human philosopher. Jesus himself said,

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.

Creation as we know it will come to an end, but not God’s Word. Truth is eternal. It doesn’t change or go away. And eternal truth is found in the Bible.

[Related: Feed on Scripture Every Day | Point Man #5]

The Bible Is the Book that Truly Understands You

If the Bible just contained a lot of true, factual information, that would be impressive. But you might not want to build your life around it. You’d read some ancient account of battles and cultures, and you’d certainly become more informed. But that history book wouldn’t tell you much about how to live your life today.

But the Bible is more than a book of information. It’s living and active and relevant to you today. In each and every generation, God’s Word speaks to every person, from every nation, of every ethnicity. The world and culture changes, but human nature doesn’t change. We’ll always have needs and problems, and God’s Word will always speak to those issues.

[Related: How Much Info Do You Need to Be Saved?]

God’s Word has stood the test of time. So read the Bible and unlock its power in your life.

40-Day Bible Reading Plan
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Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. Read Isaiah 40:6-8. Give an example of things in this life that are temporary and fading. When did you realize that this was the case?
  3. Share about a technical innovation that is no longer viable. How long do you think our current technology will last us? What do you think the future will be like?
  4. Read Matthew 24:35. What does it mean Jesus‘s words will never disappear?
  5. List a few timeless principles from the Bible that are meaningful to you. Do you think these principles will change for the next generation?
  6. Read John 17:17. What is it that gives the Bible its lasting relevance? Do you think the Bible can ever lead a person astray? Explain.
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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