
Making the decision to take your loved one off of life support is difficult. Listen to this topic with your family to make the right decision.

Talking Points:

  • You might feel like you’re playing God by making this decision. But if machines are the only thing keeping your loved one alive, it’s your responsibility to have this hard conversation.
  • Don’t keep your loved one alive out of selfish motives. Think first about their quality of life. 
  • If you decide to let them go, create a worshipful environment and release them to be with Jesus. 
  • If your loved one is a believer, grieve with hope. This confidence is only for those who have trusted Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe your current state of emotions surrounding your loved one. What are your fears and concerns?
  3. What additional information do you need to make the best decision about taking your loved one off life support? If necessary, talk about what happens when we die.
  4. What do you think your loved one’s quality of life would look like if they remained on machines? What would that mean for the rest of the family?
  5. Pray as a family as you prepare to make this decision.

Find this topic in Emotions.

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