Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.

The Tabernacle was the place where God's presence resided among the Israelites before Solomon's temple was constructed. Much of the Tabernacle's imagery was a foretaste of Jesus Christ.

Key Points:

  • The Tabernacle was a place set up by Moses under God’s direction to house the system of law and sacrifice that was in place in the Old Testament. This is where God promised to live among his people.
  • The Tabernacle was full of symbols of Jesus in the New Testament. From the fence surrounding it to what went on inside, every piece of the Tabernacle was there for a reason.
  • Because of Jesus, our sin is covered for all of time. There is no need for further sacrifice or a strict law. The Tabernacle was a temporary means to establish God as the true God, and the eternal purpose was to establish Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice. We no longer need Tabernacles because through Jesus, we are the Tabernacle.

Quote This:

Exodus 25:8 Have the people of Israel build me a holy sanctuary so I can live among them.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Before this video, what did you think the Tabernacle was?
  3. Name some of the symbols in the Tabernacle mentioned in the video. Why was each one included and what did they represent?
  4. Read Exodus 25:8. What did God mean when he said he would “dwell among them?”
  5. Why is the Tabernacle an important thing for Christians to understand today?
  6. In your own words, how does Jesus fulfill all the elements of the Tabernacle? What does it mean to you to know that Jesus removed all barriers between God and man?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

This topic is adapted from the Paulo Santos YouTube channel.

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