The Bible presents gender and biological sex as integrated and fixed.

Talking Points:

  • Key terms for this conversation.
    • Biological sex or birth sex: This is defined by a person’s DNA and expressed in physical characteristics driven by hormone production, such as genitalia, body hair, voice, and muscular strength.
    • Gender or gender expression: Who or what a person identifies as or feels like.
    • Gender identity: How people experiences themselves as male or female. This is not the same as sexual orientation.
    • Transgender: Persons identify with the gender opposite to their biological sex. They may have the DNA and physical characteristics of one sex, but feel like and identify with the opposite gender.
  • Increasingly, gender is seen as a mainly cultural, rather than biological, construct. That would mean that there is nothing necessarily inherent or fixed in the idea of gender.
  • When sin entered the world, the created order no longer works as it should. All kinds of psychological, emotional, and physical disorders have entered God’s original creation. Gender dysphoria is not a biological failure, but an affliction due to humanity’s Fall. Genesis 1:26-27, Mark 10:6-7
  • It’s not a sin to feel an inner sense of being the wrong gender, but it can lead to great emotional and psychological stress. But how a person responds to their transgender condition can be sinful. Galatians 5:24-25
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. How would you define gender identity? How is this different from sexual orientation?
  3. Do you tend to view gender as fixed or as fluid, and why?
  4. Read Genesis 1:26-27. How does this passage establish the baseline for discussing gender?
  5. Christians often argue based on the original order of creation (as in Genesis 1-2). Is this a valid way to understand an issue? Why or why not?
  6. Read Mark 10:6-7. As Jesus comments on Genesis 1, what additional data does his analysis add to the topic?
  7. Read Deuteronomy 22:5. What reasons can you think of for prohibiting gender-ambiguous behavior?
  8. Read Galatians 5:24-25. What is every Christian supposed to do with their thoughts/feelings? What’s the Spirit’s role in helping someone fight against sin?
  9. Describe the difference between seeing transgender identity as a sin versus as an affliction. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?
  10. Do you know a transgendered person? What sort of emotional or psychological stress do they face?
  11. What would it look like to treat transgender persons with love and compassion?
  12. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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