The Holy Spirit is the essential power given to all who believe in Jesus Christ. It gives us the ability to make disciples and to align our lifestyles with God's commands.

Talking Points:

  • The mission of the church is impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us the ability to share and others the ability to hear. Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-4
  • The essential power isn’t just for some, it’s for all who believe. The Holy Spirit is the promised “blessing on all nations”. Genesis 12:2-3, Acts 2:5-6
  • The Holy Spirit is essential for every part of our lives today. He’s the reason Christians can actually be obedient to God. Ezekiel 36:26-27, John 14:23, Galatians 5:24-25
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Have you ever felt faced with an impossible task? Explain. How did it turn out?
  3. Read Acts 2:1-4. If you were there that day, how do you think you would’ve responded to what you were seeing? What do you think the wind, fire and different languages being spoken demonstrated for the people?
  4. Read Acts 2:14. Peter was a guy who had denied Jesus and had experienced doubt. How do you see boldness in Peter from this verse? Have you ever had to stand up for Jesus publicly? Explain.
  5. Share about your salvation story. How did God show himself to you and who helped you on your journey?
  6. Read Galatians 5:24-25. In your own words, what does it mean to crucify your fleshly desires? How has the Holy Spirit empowered you to have victory in your life?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Listen to the full sermon.

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