This generation is highly relational and responds to a person who shows care and concern for them.

Talking Points:

  • If you want your athletes to follow your lead, you have to build a relationship first. Athletes today are highly relational and respond best to a coach who is encouraging rather than harsh and rules focused.
  • The same idea applies to spiritual things. Religion is about rules and regulations but following Jesus is about a relationship. James 1:26-27
  • Model for your players what you expect from them. Be a servant leader who cares about treating everyone with dignity and then your players will follow suit.
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe your team dynamics right now. What are some things you’re proud of and what are some things you would like to change?
  3. Do you agree that this generation is motivated more by relationships than rules? Explain. How well do you do at building relationships with your players? How can you improve?
  4. Read James 1:26-27. Describe your relationship with God right now (vibrant and active, going through the motions, or non-existent). What would you like it to be like? How do you want your faith to impact your role as a coach?
  5. What are some character traits you want to see in your players? How are you modeling those in your own life?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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