Sermonlink Series

Rethinking Church

Sermons. Worship. Giving. Serving. What is church all about, anyway? A 4-week series.

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Topic #1

There are over 400 references to singing in the Bible. But true worship goes beyond our songs at church.

Key Points:

See Also: Worship

Sermon Resources

Download and use any of these free PG Network resources to preach this sermon in your church. Learn more.

Sermon Slides:

  • Basic Slides (English)
  • Manuscript Slides (English)
  • Diapositivas (Español)

Sermon Handout:

  • Handout (English)
  • Guía (Español)

Sermon Manuscripts:

  • In English
  • En Español

Response Song:


Sermon Segment Videos:

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. How would you describe worship? Discuss.
  3. How has worship impacted your life? Explain.
  4. What are some ways that people can make worship more about themselves instead of God. Explain.
  5. The Bible contains over four hundred references to singing and fifty direct commands to sing. Why do you think worship in song is so important?
  6. Read Psalm 9:1-2. Is worship this easy even when life is difficult? Discuss.
  7. Think of a time when worship was difficult for you. How did you worship?
  8. Think of a time when worship was most meaningful to you. How did you worship? Explain.
  9. Read Romans 12:1. How would you define worship after reading this passage?
  10. What are some practical ways that you can demonstrate your worship of the Lord?
  11. After this discussion, would you change your definition of true worship? Why or why not?
  12. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #2

Some people go to church to hear a pastor preach. But Jesus had something else in mind.

Key Points:

  • Jesus envisioned a church that actually makes a difference in the world. Matthew 9:36
  • Jesus wants to send out regular people to make an impact, not just pastors. Ephesians 4:11-12
  • You don’t have to feel qualified to be obedient to Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20

See Also: Mentoring

Sermon Resources

Download and use any of these free PG Network resources to preach this sermon in your church. Learn more.

Sermon Slides:

  • Basic Slides (English)
  • Manuscript Slides (English)
  • Diapositivas (Español)

Sermon Handout:

  • Handout (English)
  • Guía (Español)

Sermon Manuscripts:

  • In English
  • En Español

Response Song:


Sermon Segment Videos:

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word “mentoring?” Have you ever had a mentor at school, in sports, or at work? Describe the relationship.
  3. Read John 1:43. Is it surprising to you that Jesus picked a bunch of fishermen as his closest disciples? Explain.
  4. Make a list of the activities you consider to be “normal” in the Christian life. Is disciple-making on that list? Have you actually ever done it?
  5. Read Matthew 28:19-20. Do you think the disciples felt qualified to become mentors? Do you feel qualified? Why or why not?
  6. Who personally helped you to pursue God? How did they do it?
  7. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #3

When you give sacrificially, you reveal yourself as God’s steward and are ready to receive his blessing.

Key Points:

  • If You Aren’t Giving, You’re Robbing God. Malachi 3:8
  • If You Don’t Give, You May Experience Severe Consequences. Malachi 3:9
  • God rewards his givers. Malachi 3:10

See Also: Giving

Sermon Resources

Download and use any of these free PG Network resources to preach this sermon in your church. Learn more.

Sermon Slides:

  • Basic Slides (English)
  • Manuscript Slides (English)
  • Diapositivas (Español)

Sermon Handout:

  • Handout (English)
  • Guía (Español)

Sermon Manuscripts:

  • In English
  • En Español

Response Song:


Sermon Segment Videos:

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Why is it uncomfortable for people to talk about money, especially at church? Why do you think Jesus talked about money so frequently in his teaching?  
  3. Read Malachi 3:8-9. How were the Jewish people robbing God? What is the tithe? What lessons can we learn from the principle of tithing?
  4. How can Christians be guilty of robbing God?
  5. Read Malachi 3:9. What are some of the consequences we might experience if we fail to be generous toward God? Have you seen any of these consequences in your own life when you have failed to be generous?
  6. Read Malachi 3:10. Why do you think this is the one place where we are told to put God to the test?
  7. What are the types of blessings we can expect from God if we give? What are some misinterpretations of the blessings that God promises to us when we give?
  8. How does seeing God’s generosity in our lives serve as a motivation to be generous?
  9. Are you ready to be generous in response to God’s goodness in your life? If not, what’s holding you back?
  10. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.

Topic #4

If you’re part of a healthy local church, it’s not just about attending. You should find a way to serve there.

Key Points:

  1. The basis for serving is the cross. Mark 10:43-45
  2. The barrier to serving is selfishness. Galatians 5:13
  3. The motive for serving is love. 1 Peter 4:8-9

See Also: Serving

Sermon Resources

Download and use any of these free PG Network resources to preach this sermon in your church. Learn more.

Sermon Slides:

  • Basic Slides (English)
  • Manuscript Slides (English)
  • Diapositivas (Español)

Sermon Handout:

  • Handout (English)
  • Guía (Español)

Sermon Manuscripts:

  • In English
  • En Español

Response Song:


Sermon Segment Videos:

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What is your definition of serving? Explain what lead you to this definition.
  3. Do you think it is important to serve others? Why or why not?
  4. What is the hardest part of serving others for you? Discuss.
  5. Has anybody made an impact on your life by serving you? Explain.
  6. Read Mark 10:43-45. The Bible talks about living to honor God, how does serving fit into this?
  7. How does Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross model serving? Discuss.
  8. Are you ready to start serving in response to God’s sacrifice for your life? If not, what is holding you back?
  9. Read 1 Timothy 4:10 – What does Paul mean by spiritual gifts? Do you you know your spiritual gift? If so, what is it?
  10. What are some practical ways that you can serve others?
  11. Are you serving in your local church? If so in what area? How is it going for you?
  12. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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