Talking Points:
  • You have value. God created you – every part of you.
  • You have purpose. God has written your story.
  • You have security. God knows everything about you and still loves you.
  1. Who or what has had the greatest influence on how you view your self-worth? How have you been sucked into caring too much about how culture wants you to be defined?
  2. Read Psalm 139. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 139:13-15. Identify one or two of your unique traits. What has kept you from feeling like God’s special creation?
  4. Read Psalm 139:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Do you believe that God has a plan for your life? Explain. How have you seen God open up and close doors in your life revealing His plan?
  5. Read Psalm 139:23-24. How do you need to stop hiding from God? How has God pointed out offenses to you in the past? In what areas do you still need to grow?


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