Talking Points:
  • The first option- sin captures your attention and cultural values influence your priorities.
  • The second option- you pledge your allegiance to God’s way leading to a life of obedience to biblical principles.
  1. Share a time you got lost on a roadtrip. Where did you end up?
  2. Read Psalm 1. What jumps out to you as you read it?
  3. Read Psalm 1:1. Why do you think the psalmist describes sin in an incremental way? How have you seen your past sinful choices lead you far away from God?
  4. Read Psalm 1:4-5. What picture is painted for a sinful life style? How have you seen people pursue worldly pleasures and end up in a miserable place?
  5. Read Psalm 1:2-3. What does it look like to delight in God’s Word? What is a realistic picture for a woman who meditates on God’s word regularly?
  6. How has your life changed since you’ve chosen to go God’s way?
  7. Read Psalm 1:6 and Psalm 119:105. Why should we trust what the Bible says over our own thoughts and feelings?
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