God has something great for you in the coming year. The story of Nehemiah can inspire you to make a decision and make it work.

Talking Points:

  • Come up with a clear plan. Intentions aren’t enough; start taking real steps in the right direction. Nehemiah 1:3-4, Nehemiah 2:5-6
  • Expect resistance. When God’s people move forward, the enemy always fights against the good work. Nehemiah 6:1-3
  • Stick to the plan. Resist the urge to come down from the great work that God has called you to complete. Nehemiah 6:4
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share some of your past New Year’s resolutions. Did you ever follow through on any of them? Explain.
  3. Why do you think people are compelled to make resolutions each year? Why aren’t intentions enough when it comes to succeeding with a resolution? How does specific planning help you to accomplish goals?
  4. What did you put on your “Stop Doing” list? How about your “Start Doing” list?
  5. Share a time you were being faithful to God in a certain area and how the enemy tried to derail you from that success. How did you fight against that attack?
  6. How will you approach your resolutions differently this year?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

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