Topic #1

The Starter Convo: How PursueGOD Mentoring Works
New to pursueGOD? Use this first conversation to learn about how our tools work and how they can transform your everyday life.
Topic #2

What Are You Living for?
Have you ever thought about how small our lives are in the expanse of eternity? Life is short and we should make it count.
Topic #3

Trust Your Instruments
Just like a pilot needs to trust his instruments, Christians need to trust the Bible – even when it feels wrong.
Topic #4

Why Men Leave the Church
Christianity is the only major religion with more women than men. What’s up with that?
Topic #5

Men and the Power of the Visual
Men spend billions of dollars every year to look at naked or scantily-clad women. By comparison, women spend virtually nothing to see unclothed men. What’s going on?
Topic #6

What a Pastor Wishes He Could Say to His Men
Oftentimes pastors see negative patterns cropping up in their congregations. Here, pastors Tom and Bryan let men know how they should be living as followers of Jesus.
Topic #7

Men – God Designed You to Go to Bed Tired
Pastor Matt Chandler calls out men on their responsibility to go all in at home.
Topic #8

The Full Circle Mindset for Christian Men
Many guys today just go to church and check it off their to-do list. Jesus wants more for Christian men.