Breakthrough for Coaching Couples

Use this audio series with your spouse or mentor for conversational discipleship.

Series Overview:

Coaches have one of the most influential roles in our society today. This series will help coaching couples to breakthrough for maximum effect.

Topic #1

Love, trust, and communication are the basic components of a healthy, lifelong marriage.

Talking Points:

  • Choose love. Christ modeled how we should do this with his love for the church. Biblical love is sacrificial, not selfish. Ephesians 5:25-27
  • Earn trust. Unlike love (which is proactive), trust is fundamentally a reactive response. Building it takes a lifelong commitment that can be measured in every season.
  • Keep talking. Healthy couples constantly step into communication, even when a fight is in the air. They develop the practical skills needed for ongoing relational health. Ephesians 4:29
Discussion <strong>Questions:</strong>
  1. Love, trust, and communication: which one is strongest in your marriage right now? Which one is weakest?
  2. Describe how you think our culture (through entertainment or popular opinion) views love and marriage. Explain. How might those views be fueling the divorce rate in our country?
  3. Read Ephesians 5:25-27. What did Christ do to set his bride (the Church) apart? What does it mean for you to set your spouse apart in marriage? 
  4. If trust is a reactive response, what can your spouse be doing to earn your trust in various areas in your marriage (finances, emotions, opposite sex relationships, computer use)?
  5. Identify your “fight language” (escalation, withdrawal, or invalidation). How have your fight languages derailed your arguments?
  6. Read Ephesians 4:29. How could utilizing skills like using “I feel…because” statements and active listening change the way conflict looks in your marriage?

Topic #2

Before you started pursuing God, he was pursuing you. And his vision for you includes three essential elements.

Talking Points:

  • We start a relationship with God by trusting Jesus. No level of personal performance on our part can earn his approval. Romans 3:22
  • As Christians, we live to honor God. Our new standing with Christ allows us to live from the inside out. 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • We mature as disciples by helping others pursue God. Jesus calls us beyond information and empty rituals to simple obedience. Matthew 28:19-20 
Discussion <strong>Questions:</strong>
  1. Describe your faith journey up to now. Would you classify yourself more as a seeker, doubter or believer? 
  2. Read Romans 3:22. How does knowing that we can’t earn our way to God encourage you? Why do you think God set it up this way? Are you ready to move forward in your pursuit of God? See Getting to Your Faith Moment.
  3. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. How have you seen God work in your life (or how do you imagine it) since becoming a Christian. In what areas do you still need to grow?
  4. Read Matthew 28:19-20. How does this passage challenge you? Make a list of people you want to help in a pursuit of God. How will helping them help you to grow?
  5. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Topic #3

Great coaching takes emotional intelligence – both on and off the field or court.

Talking Points:

  • Integrity: Be one whole person. Don’t separate your roles as coach and Christian.
  • Security: Coach from a place of confidence. Don’t look for a “win” to validate you as a person.
  • Authenticity: Be emotionally healthy and share the truth in love. John 8:10-11
  • Dignity: Treat everyone with respect. Remember that every human being is an image-bearer of God. Genesis 1:27
Discussion <strong>Questions:</strong>
  1. What’s your biggest challenge as a coach right now? So far, how have you managed those challenges?
  2. In your opinion, why can it be challenging to integrate faith into coaching? What are some of the obstacles and challenges to doing that well?
  3. Read Proverbs 11:3. In your own words, define what integrity means to you. What are the risks of duplicity?
  4. Have you made some decisions, that you later regretted, because of the pressure to win? Explain. 
  5. Read Colossians 3:1-4. How does God want you to view both your successes and failures as a coach?
  6. Read John 8:10-11. How did Jesus handle himself in this conversation? How can you improve in the way you communicate with your staff and players?
  7. How well do you do at treating others with respect? How would your coaching staff and players rate you in this area? How can you improve?

About Our Series

Series from pursueGOD are powerful tools that empower discipleship conversations. For best results, we recommend three simple steps:

  1. Preview the audio or video on your own ahead of your meeting. This will help everyone prepare for a great conversation.
  2. When you meet, watch the video or listen to the audio together if you'd like. Follow along by viewing the talking points on your phone.
  3. Use the discussion questions provided to help guide your conversation, but don't feel obligated to cover every question.

Find more series, along with additional conversation starters for just about any topic, on category pages in our library. 

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