In Galatians 4 Paul has the imagery of sonship in mind, turning to the Old Testament one last time to drive home his theological argument. This matters deeply to Paul, because the Galatians are like his spiritual children.

Talking Points:

  • The law was like a babysitter waiting for the parents to get home. Now that Jesus showed up, the sitter’s job is done. Since the goal of faith is accomplished, there’s no need to go back to the Law. The Law’s purpose was to show us our sin and our need for a savior. Now that the way of faith has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian. Galatians 3:24-25, 4:4-5
  • The Judaizers were like Abraham and Hagar: trying to work for what God had promised. This is the essence of man-made religion, and it always leads to bondage. Galatians 4:23a
  • True believers are like Abraham and Sarah: trusting God to keep his promise. This is biblical, God-made religion – and the only path to true freedom. Galatians 4:23b
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share some laws we have in society today. Why do we have them and how are they meant to protect us?
  3. Read Exodus 20:1-17 and Galatians 3:24-25. Review the 10 commandments. Why do you think God chose those as the top 10? How do those commands protect us?
  4. Read Galatians 4:5-6. What did Paul mean that they were “slaves” to the law? Why do you think Paul used father/child language in this passage?
  5. Read Genesis 16:1-4 and Galatians 4:23a. Knowing the promises God made in Genesis 12 and 15, why do you think Abraham went along with this plan with Hagar? How did Abraham create bondage for himself by going against God’s plan originally?
  6. Read Genesis 18:10, 18-19 and Galatians 4:23b. Who fulfilled the promises to Abraham? Why does Isaac represent a new covenant between God and his people?
  7. Read Romans 4:13-14. Put this passage in your own words. Why couldn’t Abraham take credit for the blessings God gave him? What does that mean for us?
  8. What are the marks of a man-made religion? How is that different from the God-made religion of Christianity?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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