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Religion can be a complicated topic. On one level, it’s just the way we live out a relationship with God in real space. But the word “religion” has come to be used as shorthand for a negative approach to God. Religious systems tend to control people’s access to God and his blessings.

In Mark 2:1-12, we find the story of the four friends and the paralyzed man. This story is an excellent example of the power of community faith and how Jesus showed us the way out of negative religious systems.

The Four Friends and the Paralyzed Man

The story of the four friends and the paralyzed man is one of the most inspiring stories in the Bible. In this story, a group of friends carried a paralyzed man on a mat to see Jesus. When they arrived, the crowd was so large that they couldn’t get near Jesus. Undeterred, they climbed onto the roof, dug a hole, and lowered the man down to Jesus.

Jesus was so moved by their faith that he forgave the paralyzed man’s sins and healed him. It was the friends’ faith, not just the paralytic’s, that made the difference. This story shows us the power of community faith and how it can move mountains.

Jesus’ Authority to Forgive Sins

In the next part of the story, the religious leaders accused Jesus of blasphemy for claiming to forgive sins. Jesus responded by healing the paralyzed man to demonstrate his authority to forgive sins. He showed that he is greater than human religious systems and that he has God’s authority to forgive our sins.

This story challenges us to think about our relationship with God and how we approach him. Are we relying on human religious systems to control our access to God, or are we putting our faith in Jesus as the ultimate mediator?

Breaking Free from Religious Systems

Jesus’ authority to forgive sins also means that we don’t need religious systems to connect with God. He is the only mediator we need to bring us to the Father. We don’t need to follow a set of rules or perform certain rituals to access God’s blessings. All we need is faith in Jesus and a willingness to follow him.

This story is a powerful reminder that we can break free from negative religious systems and find true freedom in Christ. We can put our trust in Jesus as the ultimate mediator.


The story of the four friends and the paralyzed man teaches us that community faith is powerful and that Jesus is the ultimate mediator between us and God. It challenges us to break free from negative religious systems and put our faith in Christ alone. Let’s take inspiration from this story and strive to live a life of faith that is centered on Jesus.

Talking Points:
  • On one level “religion” is just the way we live out a relationship with God in real space. But the word has come to be used as shorthand for a negative approach to God. Religious systems tend to control people’s access to God and his blessings.
  • The four friends of the paralyzed man were willing to do whatever it took to get him to Jesus. It was their faith, not just the paralytic’s alone, that made the difference. Mark 2:1-5
  • Jesus proved that he is greater than human religious systems. He has God’s authority to forgive our sins and is the only mediator we need to bring us to the Father. Mark 2:6-12
  1. Have you had any challenging experiences with religious people?
  2. Read Mark 2:1-5. Why was Jesus so popular? Have you had any friends in your life that, through an act of their faith, brought you to Jesus?
  3. Read Mark 2:6-12. Why do you think Jesus forgave his sins before he heals him?
  4. What would have been the Old Testament way of having your sins forgiven?
  5. What is the main point of Jesus’ miracles?

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