God uses suffering to open our eyes to new insights, but only if we're willing to see life in a new light.

Talking Points:

  • Suffering opens our eyes to our own weakness. This is the starting point for every relationship with God. John 9:6-7
  • Suffering opens our eyes to God’s strength. It challenges us to let go of the illusion of control. John 9:3
  • Suffering opens our eyes to God’s goodness. Jesus seeks out people in pain and offers them new life. John 9:35-38, John 8:12
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time of suffering that changed your view of yourself. How did it change your view of God?
  3. Read John 9:6-7. What do the actions of the blind man reveal about him? When faced with a trial, do you simply obey God? What does that look like?
  4. Read John 9:2. Do you hear this sentiment today – bad things happen to people who are bad? Do you think it’s true? Explain Jesus’ answer in John 9:3.
  5. Read John 9:24-27. How has God shown his goodness to you? How can you use those insights to encourage others in their pursuit of God?
  6. Read Nahum 1:7. What are some things we can do to be reminded of God’s goodness when suffering comes? 
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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