Make the most of quarantine and continue in your mentoring relationships.

Talking Points:

  • During this time of quarantine, you might think that mentoring isn’t possible since you can’t meet in person, but that’s not true. Here are some tips to help you in your mentoring relationships.
    • Tip #1: Use the topics at The site is set up to be mobile so you can still have a conversation over the phone or in a zoom meeting.
    • Tip #2: Ask good questions. The point of PursueGOD mentoring is to create a conversation. Rather than one person dominating or having to teach the content, all parties come to the conversation having watched the video and are ready to talk about it.
    • Tip #3: Be proactive. Schedule a call or a meeting with the person you’re mentoring and make it a regular occurrence. 
  • Don’t waste your quarantine! Start a mentoring relationship today using the thousands of topics at!
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What’s proven to be the most challenging part of quarantine for you?
  3. Why is it helpful for all parties to come to a conversation ready to talk?
  4. How do you typically choose the questions you ask in a mentoring relationship? How do questions help to get your mentee involved?
  5. Read Matthew 28:19-20. Who do you need to invite into a mentoring relationship? Start praying for that person and that opportunity.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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