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Money plays a significant role in our lives. It’s a tool we use to buy our necessities, wants, and desires. We work hard to earn money to provide for ourselves and our families. However, the way we view money can either bring freedom or keep us enslaved to it. Luke 12:13-34 offers insights into how God wants us to view and use our money.

Stewardship vs. Ownership

The first step in understanding stewardship vs. ownership is to define them. Ownership means having complete control and possession over something. When we own something, we have the right to do whatever we want with it. Stewardship, on the other hand, means managing or taking care of something that belongs to someone else. As Christians, we believe that everything we have belongs to God, and we are called to manage it wisely.

Chasing After the World’s Treasures

Our culture often promotes ownership over stewardship. We’re told that we need to accumulate more things, have a bigger house, a newer car, and the latest gadgets. The problem with this mindset is that it leaves us wanting more, and we never find true satisfaction. We become anxious about losing what we have and always looking for the next best thing.

Discipline and Generosity

Stewardship requires discipline and generosity. We need to be disciplined in our spending habits, saving for the future, and avoiding debt. Generosity involves giving our time, talents, and resources to help others. When we use our money to bless others, we experience the joy of giving and become less focused on ourselves. The combination of discipline and generosity is a powerful way to manage our finances and find freedom.

God Isn’t Anti-Wealth

It’s essential to note that God isn’t against wealth. In fact, many of the heroes in the Bible were wealthy, such as Abraham, Job, and Solomon. However, God wants us to have wealth that isn’t temporary. He desires for us to be good stewards of the resources he has given us and to use our wealth to advance His kingdom.

Talking Points:
  • Click here for our free budget spreadsheet. NOTE: To edit the spreadsheet, click on “file” in the menu and then click “make a copy”.
  • Getting our minds right about stewardship vs. ownership is critical in experiencing freedom and peace with our money. Psalm 50:10-12 
  • Chasing after the world’s treasures fills us with anxiety and always leaves us wanting. Luke 12:13-34
  • Discipline and generosity are a powerful combination that brings victory in our finances. Proverbs 22:7
  • God isn’t anti-wealth, but he wants you to have wealth that isn’t temporary. Luke 12:34
  1. Who taught you the most about money and finances as you were growing up? Where do you get most of your financial advice now? 
  2. Do you consider yourself an owner or steward of the financial resources you have?  How does Psalm 50:10-12 help to give us the right mindset? 
  3. Is there a time when you saved up for something you really wanted, and once you purchased it, you were disappointed? 
  4. Read Luke 12:13-34. Which of the save, share, spend categories of money is God calling you to improve in? 
  5. List some ways that God has been generous to you.  How do the combination of discipline and generosity bring us victory in our finances?  

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