Dating a young woman as a Christian? One of the easiest ways to set good boundaries is to think about it from her brother's point of view.

Talking Points:

  • If you’re dating, respect that woman as another guy’s sister. How would you like someone to treat your sister? Matthew 7:12
  • The Bible teaches that sex is to be saved for marriage, but it doesn’t lay out many specific boundaries beyond that for dating relationships. Hebrews 13:4
  • Pushing physical boundaries is a slippery slope. Don’t expect to have self-control in the moment if you let those boundaries slide. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Galatians 5:19-21. What does this passage speak to the issue of setting boundaries in dating? How does Hebrews 13:4 expand on it?
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. According to this passage, we are not told to “fight” sexual immorality. What should we do instead? Explain.
  4. If you’re dating, what boundaries have you set? Have you crossed those boundaries? If so, how?
  5. If your sister and a guy went too far in their relationship, would you blame her or him? Who is responsible for purity in a relationship? Explain.
  6. “Treat other people’s sister the way you want your sister to be treated.” Make a list of boundaries you would want a guy to respect with your sister. Can you respect that list with your girlfriend? Why or why not?
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