When we understand God's generosity it inspires us to be generous to others.

Talking Points:

  • God is extremely generous with his resources. Psalm 104:10-18 describes God’s abundant provision for his creation, including humanity. He waters the earth and gives food to the animals – and blesses men and women as well.
  • God’s most generous act was to give us his Son as our Savior. Jesus came down from his glorious, heavenly existence to become a human being, to live in our squalid, evil planet as one of us. Romans 8:31-32
  • When we are generous, our lives reflect the heart of God. God uses our generosity to express his own generosity, as he channels his resources through us to bless others.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how generous do you think you are? Explain.
  3. Read Psalm 24:1. How does this verse shape the way you think about your stuff?
  4. List some of the ways that God is generous to us.
  5. How can you show God’s generosity to others?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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