If you want to honor God, do everything you can to reconcile your marriage.

Talking Points:

  • God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16) but Jesus does provide grounds for divorce for adultery (Matthew 5:32). Divorce is an option if you’ve been betrayed, but it is not the only option.
  • Reconciliation is God’s heart for us. If a believer gets a divorce and feels totally free to date and remarry, then they are permanently closing the door on reconciling with their spouse. Mark 10:7-9
  • Our vows are promises. Our vows are a pledge to love, cherish and to be faithful no matter what. Proverbs 20:25
  • Read the Bible to form your own convictions. God has given us his word and his Holy Spirit to guide us toward God’s way. Form your conviction and stick to it. Romans 14:22
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read Matthew 19:8-12. What does it mean that divorce was a concession for hard hearts? How do you think it applies today?
  3. Read 1 Corinthians 7:39. What do you think it looks like to be committed to reconciliation, even after a separation or divorce?
  4. Read Romans 14:22. This verse teaches that in gray areas, each believer must make his or her own informed decision. How does this relate to the divorce and remarriage issue?
  5. Want to learn more about this? Visit www.marriagehelp.org.
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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