Just like personality types or love languages, we all tend toward a particular attachment type. Being aware of your "type" helps you identify your default tendencies in times of stress and conflict.

Talking Points:

  • Secure – Low avoidance and low anxiety. This person tends to create strong bonds with others and doesn’t fear failure.
  • Avoidant – High avoidance and low anxiety. This person doesn’t create a lot of close relationships and prefers to work alone. 
  • Anxious – Low avoidance and high anxiety. This person wants to be accepted by others and doesn’t like to go solo on anything.
  • Disordered – High avoidance and high anxiety. This person tends to switch between anxious and avoidant.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What do you guess is your attachment type? What do you guess is your spouse’s attachment type? Explain.
  3. What kind of environment did you grow up in and how did you relate to your parental figures? How do you see that affecting you today?
  4. How has your attachment type positively affected your marriage? How has it negatively affected your marriage?
  5. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Identify what love looks like in practice. How can the quality of your love for your spouse grow as you remember their attachment type?
  6. How can you utilize this information the next time you face stress in your marriage?
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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