Launching a Group

Use the resources below to help launch a healthy small group.


Leading a Group

Use the resources provided to help you in leading your small group.


Growing a Group

Use the resources provided to help grow your group into a healthy and God centered environment.


Reproducing a Group

Use the resources provided to help grow leaders in your group who will be able to lead a new God centered small group.


Get your Group Off to a Good Start

It’s hard for a group to recover from a weak start. Check out principles for how to get a group started well.

How to Use the Small Group Launch Plan

A worksheet to help small group leaders and their teams start a group on a strong footing.

How Groups and Mentoring Work: The Basic Commitments

Learn the basic commitments that make our resources work.

Set the Right Tone for a New Group

Setting a healthy relationship environment is essential to get a small group off the ground. Here are some tips on how to start well.

Create a Good Relational Environment in Your Group

Take a look at some important factors that help or hinder the relational comfort and trust in your group.

How to Make Your Group Welcoming to Guests

It can be intimidating to attend a small group for the first time. Will your group make guests feel welcome or weird?

Why Join a Small Group?

Many people are hesitant to join a small group, for various reasons. What makes it worth the risk to try a small group?

Small Group Ground Rules

If you want to have a great small group, there are a few ground rules that you need to follow. These will help you to treat each other with love and respect, and above all, to build trust in your group.

How to Start a Small Group with Families

Family groups are small groups made up of families and specifically geared toward helping students or kids pursue God along with their parents. Here’s how it works…

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If God Is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?

Skeptics and scoffers love to stump Christians with this question: if God is good, why does evil exist? Philosophers have framed the problem like this: If God is able to prevent evil, but not willing to do so, he is evil himself. If God...

Does God Still Speak Through Prophets?

Some churches claim to have prophets who speak authoritatively for God. But is that really a thing anymore? If not, how do we hear from God?

Is the Bible Just Another Book?

Why do so many churches and Christians make such a big deal of the Bible? Isn’t it just an out-dated, irrelevant piece of ancient literature? Shouldn’t we keep it on the shelf and use more modern books to teach us how to live? These are the questions we’ll explore today.

How Should Christians View Abortion

Humans are created in the image of God.  As such, they have immeasurable worth and value, and this is true of every human.

Is There Only One True Church?

Several religions claim to be the one true church or the exclusive path to heaven. But what does the Bible say? Is there only one true church? And if not, do all roads lead to heaven?

Unboxing (Series)

What if there was a box that contained all of the answers to your deepest questions?