Spiritual leadership in the home requires men to step up and develop the habit of reading the Bible daily.

Talking Points:

  • Step #1: Plan a time. If you don’t put it on your schedule and plan a time to pray, it’s not going to happen.
  • Step #2: Plan a place. Some Christians call this your “prayer closet”. It can be a physical location like your office or family room, or maybe it’s a walk, or in the car during the commute.
  • Step #3: Make a list. Pray for people, pray for situations, and then go even further. Try the P-R-A-Y method of prayer, where you regularly praise, repent, ask, and yield to God.
  • Step #4: Begin with scripture. If you’re struggling with how to talk to God, try praying the Psalms out loud.
  • Step #5: Make yourself accountable. Talk about prayer with your wife, your mentor, or your men’s group. Invite others to spur you on in your prayer life.

[Related: Prayer – What? Why? When? Where? Who?]

  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how is your prayer life right now?
  3. When is the best time for you to prayer during the day? Where is the best place to do it?
  4. Start making a list of some of the things you’d like to regularly pray for. Be sure to include more than petitions.
  5. Read Psalm 86:1-17, a prayer of David. What are some of the elements in his prayer? How can you convert this into a prayer of your own?
  6. Who can hold you accountable to growing in prayer? Commit to praying every day for 5, 15, or 30 minutes.
  7. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This topic is based on the book Point Man by Steve Farrar



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