The story of Joseph shows us that God has been laying the tracks for the work of Christ throughout redemptive history. Here are five connections between their stories.

Talking Points:

  • Joseph and Jesus were both loved and praised by their fathers. Genesis often uses this father/son imagery to set the stage for God the Father’s relationship with God the Son. Genesis 37:3, Matthew 3:17
  • Joseph and Jesus were both envied and hated without cause. After all, where there is favoritism there’s always a little family drama! Genesis 37:4, John 15:25
  • Despite their innocence, both men were rejected and condemned to die. Worse yet, they were both abandoned by those closest to them. Genesis 37:18, Mark 15:12-15
  • Both rulers provided for God’s people in a time of desperate need. For Joseph this was physical provision; for Jesus it is spiritual. Genesis 41:57, John 6:35
  • Both stories end with nations bowing down to the rejected ruler. Just as Joseph’s brothers eventually bowed down to him as their deliverer, the descendants of Israel – and all nations – will one day bow down to Jesus and recognize Him as their Messiah. Genesis 42:6, Philippians 2:9-11
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received from someone close to you?
  3. Read Genesis 37:3 and Matthew 3:17. What do these two passages say about the power of affirming words/gifts? Why do you think God made a point to affirm Jesus? What is God modeling for us?
  4. How have you seen favoritism negatively effect your family or workplace? Why is favoritism so toxic?
  5. Read Genesis 37:4 and John 15:25. How are the plights of Joseph and Jesus similar from these passages? What makes Jesus’ mistreatment more unjust than Joseph’s?
  6. Read Genesis 37:18 and Mark 15:12-15. What would you say was the ultimate motive for the brothers wanting to kill Joseph? Identify what the Mark passage reveals about the emotional state of the crowd. How have you seen bitterness/jealousy fuel destructive actions in your life?
  7. Read John 6:35. Why do you think Jesus used food to make his point? What does Jesus offer that means we’ll never long for any type of provision again?
  8. Read Genesis 42:6 and Genesis 45:3-8. Put yourself in Joseph’s shoes. What do you think he wrestled with internally when his brothers came to him in desperation? What does the Genesis 45 passage reveal about Joseph?
  9. Read Philippians 2:9-11. How has Jesus delivered you? How will you show your love and admiration for what he’s done in your life?
  10. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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