What do atheists wish Christians would stop saying to them about faith and religion?

Talking Points:

  • In order to be sensitive to someone who does not believe in God, it may be helpful to avoid making the following three statements.
    • What if you’re wrong? This question may not be helpful because the thought is that God isn’t going to be mad because “I (the atheist) have done my research”. The assumption here is that a Christian has not done any research, they just attend church occasionally and don’t really know what they believe. 2 Corinthians 4:4
    • You just have to have faith. Be careful when using the word “faith” because you may not have the same definition for the word as the person to whom you are speaking. Because of this, the statement may not be productive.
    • Isn’t atheism a religion? Instead of saying atheism is a religion it may be better to describe it as an ideology or worldview. Christianity is both an ideology and a world religion. 1 Peter 3:15
Discussion Questions:
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Can you remember a time when you said something to a person who did not know God and later found out that what you said was offensive to them?  Explain the situation and anything you learned from the experience.
  3. Do you find that you are a person who tends to want to argue your faith or do you find yourself hesitant to defend what you believe?
  4. Would you say that the assumption that many Christians don’t really know what they believe is a fair criticism? Why or why not? Would you say this is a fair criticism of you? Explain.
  5. Read 2 Corinthians 4:4. How does this verse apply to this situation? Does it change your attitude when you think about talking to an atheist? If yes, in what way?
  6. Discuss what the word faith means and how that may be different from someone who does not know God.
  7. Read 1 Peter 3:15. What are some things that you think would be helpful for you to feel more confident in knowing what you believe and to be able to articulate it to others?
  8. What can you do to intentionally build relationships with people who do not believe in God?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

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