God offers a choice: we can live on the path that leads us to God, or take the path that pulls us away from him.

Talking Points:

  • Psalm 1:1 describes three ways that you can get pulled on to the road that takes you away from God.
    • You follow the advice of the wicked meaning friends who give you bad advice.
    • Standing around with sinners and only spending time with friends who don’t care about God and encourage you to do naughty things.
    • Join in with the mockers meaning you actually begin to make fun of other Christians who are living differently than you.
  • The road that leads to God is described very differently. Instead of turning to the wrong influences for advice, people on this path turn to the Bible for wisdom. Psalm 1:3
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Describe a time when you got lost. What happened?
  3. Read Psalm 1:1. Give an example of each of the three ways that people can get pulled on to the road that will take them away from God.
  4. How can you spend time with people who aren’t Christians without allowing them to overly influence you?
  5. Read Psalm 1:2. What does it mean to meditate on the Bible (“The law of the Lord”)? How can you practice this?
  6. Why would someone delight in reading the Bible?
  7. Read Psalm 1:3. What will happen to you if you stay close to the wisdom of the Bible for your entire life?
  8. Why do you think God allows us to choose which path to take in life?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?



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