God tells us to be generous, but many people ignore him. Let’s find out why.

Talking Points:

  • God commands us to be generous. In the Bible, we are told that God blesses us with money and resources in order to 1) enjoy life, 2) help those in need, and 3) build God’s kingdom. But yet some struggle to be generous.
  • The roadblock of selfishness: People tend to focus on all the stuff they don’t have or won’t be able to get because of their generosity. Jesus teaches us to replace selfishness with generosity. Mark 6:31-44
  • The roadblock of cynicism: We need to be willing to help even if sometimes people will take advantage of us. Luke 17:11-19
  • The roadblock of distance: Instead of ignoring the needs around you, serve the needy in your community and get around people who are suffering. Matthew 25:34-40
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share the most generous thing that’s ever been done for you. Share a time you were generous toward someone.
  3. What are some other roadblocks to generosity that weren’t discussed in the video?
  4. Read Mark 6:31-44. Describe the attitude of the disciples. How would you describe Jesus’ compassion in this verse? If you were there that day, how would you have responded?
  5. Read Luke 17:11-19. Share a time you were taken advantage of by someone. How has that impacted your view of people? What can we learn from Jesus’ response in this passage?
  6. What is the biggest roadblock to generosity for you? How can you overcome it?
  7. Read Matthew 25:34-40. What do you think Jesus is getting at in this passage? How can you develop more of a sense of compassion for those in need?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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