Watch the video above and talk about it with a group or mentor. Learn more.

The idea of biblical submission is largely misunderstood. It's important to understand it in the context of what the Bible says and not what society preaches.

The idea of biblical submission is largely misunderstood. It’s important to understand it in the context of what the Bible says and not what society preaches.

Submission is not about being “lorded” over by your husband

This is an important distinction. Submission is not about control. It’s choosing to yield to your husband’s leadership in the family.

Submission is not letting husbands off the hook

Women are called to submit to their husbands but husbands are called to an even greater task. They are called to love their wives like Jesus loves us. Jesus doesn’t rule over us with an iron fist. He sacrificed his life for us.

Ephesians 5:24-25, 28 As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything. For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.

Submission is not about being an inferior being

You have a lot to offer to your husband and your marriage. Submitting to your husband doesn’t mean you’re inferior. It just means you play a different role in your marriage. Use your strengths and abilities to make your husband a better leader.

Submission is about respecting your husband’s God-given role to lead the family

Don’t compete for the same roles. Understand that God has a purpose for the role of a husband and a wife. They work in tandem, not in competition with one another. Be supportive and encourage your husband to be the best leader he can be.

Submission is an act of worship to God

Submitting your whole life to God means you submit to his Word. Submission is a principle God has given the Christian wife. Don’t fight it or hate it. Instead, understand it from God’s point of view and embrace it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Watch the video together or invite someone to summarize the topic.
  2. What is your initial reaction to this video? Do you disagree with any of it? What jumped out at you?
  3. In your own words, describe what you think submission is about. What informed your understanding?
  4. Can you accept that submission isn’t about control? Explain.
  5. How can you use your gifts and abilities to help your husband lead well?
  6. How does submission show respect to your husband and ultimately to God?
  7. Does the idea that submitting is an act of worship to God change the way you view this topic? Explain.
  8. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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