At the very beginning of his public ministry, Jesus went into the desert for an extended time of preparation. There he was tempted by Satan in three significant ways. How Jesus handled those temptations teaches us some helpful lessons about honoring God.

Talking Points:

  • Satan tempted Jesus in three main ways:
    • The physical temptation: do what feels right. Matthew 4:3-4
    • The emotional temptation: question God’s love. Matthew 4:5-7
    • The control temptation: take over the throne. Matthew 4:8-10
  • Five lessons for today: (1) No one is exempt from temptation. (2) Temptation is not the same as sin. (3) Respond to temptation with God’s word. (4) Resist the devil in the power of the Spirit. (5) Pursue the will of God.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Give some examples in today’s world of the attitude, “do what feels right”. Why is it such a temptation for most people? How can we respond to the temptation?
  3. Read Matthew 4:3-4. Jesus was fasting so being tempted by food was real at that time. What were the conditions that set you up to be tempted by Satan in the past?
  4. Read Matthew 4:5-7. How have you been tempted to question God’s love for you? What are some scripture verses that can help you overcome that lie?
  5. Read Matthew 4:8-10. What are some ways we are tempted to control our own lives? Make a list. Why is this attitude so dangerous for us?
  6. Read James 1:14-15. Do you agree that temptation is not a sin? When does it become sinful?
  7. Read James 4:7-10. Talk about some of the steps for choking out temptation in your life.
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?


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